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Hello friends,
Please, if someone can halp me about yt views..Im trying for 9 months ago to find working way increasing views ..but unsuccessful. This ways that I know are too slow and dont make me so happy and Im so tired to countinue searching.
Im not good with computer skills, but Im endeavoring.. and I had almost tryed lot of sites and softweres like: like4like, youlikehits, kingdomlikes, imacros scripts too,lot of proxy bot softweres, hitleap and many others also.
Softweres are not working, they all are detected from Youtube.. Im premium user on Hitleap and try to do all the ways there, I has trying with change link on bitly.com too, but again unsuccessful.
Try manually switching proxy with Elite Proxy Switcher and many others softweres for switching proxies too.
The sites like: like4like, youlikehits, kingdomlikes..they are working, but I shoud all day to sit at home and do clicking.. the scripts are not working and here only can do so little hits daily.
I not searching this to make services for sell on Seo..I need only for me personally to gain my videos.I has worked with so many seo services from here.. but all of them they dont put all views.. maube a half of views. They do not take into account that If my video make it around 10K real views daily and if I buy 50K for about 3 days they are increase me 20K + my 30K and they become total 50K for about 3 days. Virtually all of Seo sellers that selling bigger and fast services do the same. I have too much videos and Im to tired buying views and get nothing..
If I find way do make 2K to 5K dayli views I will be the happiest ...and I am ready to pay if someone can help me!
If I find way do make 2K to 5K dayli views I will be the happiest
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Do not buy views, it's very easy for Youtube to detect this, and could get the video "flagged". You need to make sure the video is properly formatted for SEO. Include the title with your keywords, and have them in the description and within the tags. Then you could post backlinks, and so other SEO to rank the video so it shows first in the search engines. I have used numerous platforms such as Youlikehits, addmefast, and all those other social exchange websites and had some good results, however it seems those websites do have bots and youtube would detect them and remove those bot views. Do not buy views, it's very easy for Youtube to detect this, and could get the video "flagged".
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