
Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention?

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Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention?

Internet Marketing is a broad subject. UnGagged is an event focused on sharing the Proven Internet Marketing trends that guaranteed work to make money online with today.

Being an Internet Marketer involves learning and doing many things. Learning those things makes all the difference between doing and not doing. So UnGagged flips the lid and spills the beans on all the proven Internet Marketing trends that you can make money online with right now.

UnGagged is the worlds biggest Digital Marketing Unconventions made up of many of the worlds biggest, smartest and most successful Digital Marketers in the world.

This is the 3rd UnGagged Unconvention now as it's been running since 2014. I found this UnGagged History timeline Slideshare presentation that explain what it is in about 10 pages and talks about some of the stats of the attendees and big names like Bing, O2, LinkedIn, Flippa, eBay and more.
Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention?
For only a few days every now and then they all get together in one building to talk about and share the latest known working Internet marketing methods.

It gives the experts to share their knowledge and proven working IM techniques and other people a chance to learn about that and put it into effect.

But why would the experts share their knowledge with you for?

Why don't they just keep it to their self?

UnGagged is the only event of it's kind and size in the world where industry experts can not only share their knowledge but find others to network with. Likewise, anyone can increase their earnings potential by learning from the events, lectures and talks that take place by people in the same industry or niche with them.

UnGagged has a straight up no BS policy. And you are not allowed to do any recording and pitching. Whether you're an attendee or anyone else. However this creates a spirit of freedom where knowledge through questions and answers can freely flow in total openness and transparency. In Secret!

It's the UnGagged code. With everyone sharing and everyone learning, everyone is benefiting. Learning and improving on ways to make money online without getting into trouble with the Search Engines. UnGagged is an opportunity to join these people and learn from those global industry leaders.

Although more geared towards intermediate to advanced technopreneurs, IM's and SEOs who want to meet these people and learn from them all the best things they have to say and share. Thus helping you to progress further by knowing how to put those things into practice.

But more than this, it's a way to make new connections, network with others, scratch backs to get your back scratched, find work and employment and other opportunities to excel and advance with in your IM or freelance career.

Okat that's the pitch.

Now the swinger.

Should you attend UnGagged 2016 in Las Vegas?

The answer to that is yes if:

  • You want to advance in your Digital Internet Marketing career.
  • You want to see, meet, hear and talk to some of the world biggest and best IM's in the world.
  • You aren't finding much success in what you're currently doing and feeling stuck in a rut.
  • You want to learn fresh, advanced, proven working techniques that you can put into action.
  • You're a self employed freelancer, just a webmaster or blogger or IM, SEO/SMO or working for a company as one.
  • You're fed up by all the censored fluff out there that's just rehashes of older articles by new voices.
  • You want to learn something that you can actually get a good sustainable ROI out of you can live on.
  • You want to take part in an event of good food, good drinks, good laughs, networking and solid take away's.
  • You want to be a part of something that could potentially change your life and help you to progress your career.

The next UnGagged is in VEGAS on November 14-16 2016.

The next one after that is LONDON on June 2017.

Ticket costs range from $1,450.00 $4,000,00 depending on what extras you add on to it like accommodation etc. Such as the 4* Tropicana Las Vegas Casino Hotel Resort.
Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention?
UnGagged Las Vegas 2015 - Montage

Asked what sums up UnGagged for them some people that attended they said;
"One of the conferences I walk away with so much practical information I can apply.."

"Tremendous talent...people don’t hold back anything"

"Sets a goal of being open and transparent in ways so many others shows really aren't"

But are you going?

If you're going to UnGagged 2016 Las Vegas then you're a serious Internet Marketer and Technopreneur! You're someone that is serious about learning the latest IM and SEO techniques that can be used to make money online with today in 2016+.

If you're going to it, I only have respect for you and slight envy too because I know that some of the take away's from it would be more than worth the price of the ticket!

I personally would love to attend it. The ticket and cost of accommodation isn't that much when you consider you're staying in a 4 star casino hotel in Vegas and going to get to meet, hear and talk to some big names and brands and hopefully try and gleam something that I can use to progress myself with or put into practice!

I wouldn't mind going and representing SEOClerks or myself as a Freelancer on SEOClerks. Possibly set up a little tent or stall and give out flyers and leaflets about SEOClerks that contained my affiliate links of course! Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention?

But what do you think about UnGagged 2016 Las Vegas? Is it just a way for them to make money from the newbies and unknowledgeable folk?

Are the prices of the tickets on the expensive side or are they worth every penny?

Sound cool or just a way for the rich to get richer and poor to get poorer? Richer I mean!


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I would like to go but don't have the time to travel. Throughout my career I have attended conventions in Las Vegas and other cities for many different industries. If you decide to go you can glean a lot of information from the attendees of the convention. Negotiating deals with suppliers and other companies is another good opportunity and benefit of attending. You should take advantage of this networking opportunity. However, the costs to attend these conventions can be quite expensive especially if you are setting up an exhibitor booth. Setting up a booth will cost in the thousands for just a 10 x 10 space. The hotel or convention hall will charge you big money for the convention booth space and then will add to the bill if you need electricity, a carpet, a table or anything else. When you see the large booths that the big players set up you'll know that they are spending close to 80K - 100K just to attend. These are the booths that take up 10 spaces and have professional displays the size of a small house. Shipping their displays, booth and the employees to set up and break down for the convention is another big cost. This being said I have found that having a booth is very limiting because you are stuck manning the booth during the convention. Being able to walk around give you better networking capabilities and you can reach more people. I have done better just being an attendee over an being an exhibitor.

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Ticket costs range from $1,450.00 $4,000,00

Spending that much money to go to an event and listen to people speak is why I don't usually attend these types of things. I'll spend $100 to $500 to go to one of these if it's near my house lol Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention? But having to add on a round trip plane ticket to vegas plus all the expenses that come along with being in vegas will add even more of a headache.

I'm in a few pretty great skype groups that most likely talk about everything, and more, that will be covered at ungagged lol Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention? And it's a free since it's on skype. Buuuut I guess you have to be invited to the main skype groups I'm in, so I earned my way I guess.

Ungagged is a pretty big event, I remember when it started up and I saw it advertised on BHW. I wanted to go because I saw what it was all about, but then the price tag quickly turned me around.

I wonder how many connections you can actually make and gain from them. I'm sure there are a ton of people there, but how many can you actually benefit from by JVing up and getting something going.

If I had the funding I would definitely set up a booth to pull in everyone as a client. I'd hand out discount codes which are only for attendees, maybe get them printed as an advertisement on the passes or in the to go bags for everyone.

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Yeah, I agree with Razzy, the price is too outrageous to attend this event. I'll just wait until someone posts the "secrets" online, or go by trial and error. I also sometimes don't agree with these events because they will try to sell you something at the end, like a membership to an online class thing.

The material is great, and it gives people a little insight into marketing, and how it all goes down online. But I can not seem to wrap my head around the price of these events. So I will save my money, and continue what I am doing as it seems to work for me. Will you be attending UnGagged Las Vegas 2016 Unconvention?

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Las Vegas? Well no, first I would need a US visa and second the money to travel there.

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Oh I would love to go! Yes it is expensive but really you will be mingling with the biggest names out there and learning a lot. It is more than just networking, I think it would be an experience in itself.

I would look at it as a really amazing trip, I would love to get out of the house and away from the kids for a few days and actually interact with some real adults.

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Gosh, how much I miss Las Vegas! How much I miss my regular trips to Strip casinos! This creepy pandemic should have never happened. I now play online but I still miss the old city of sin!

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I don’t know anything about the casino, but I want to know more, because I can’t say anything interesting about it

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Thank for sharing! So I wish you the best and good luck

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