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Hiring a VA (Virtual Assistant) can be a tedious task since there are a lot of people out there looking to do this type of job. There's a lot of people trying to get these jobs because it's usually pretty easy to do and they can work from home.
Now since it's a digital job and you can work from home, you get all types of people who will apply for this, and that's usually a good thing. You'll have to sift through a lot of bad applicants, but the ones you do find that you like will usually be pretty awesome
When I need a VA it's usually for smaller tasks that I need done every day of the week for my marketing purposes. Right now I'm looking for a VA to do LinkedIn marketing for me and all that consists of is building connections, sending new connections messages, commenting on posts, and being active on LinkedIn. So it's a pretty easy job, but I just don't have the time to do it myself.
One of the best things about hiring a VA is that you can usually get them for pretty cheap. I'm actually talking to a girl right now who is in the Philippines who will work full time on LinkedIn for $4.00 an hour. So if she were to work 40 hours a week, for 1 month, I'd be spending roughly $640 a month. If I were to hire someone in the United States I would be paying at least $2,000 for something like this. There are even some people in the US wanting upwards of $5,000 to $6,000 a month to be a dedicated VA lol.
The best thing about hiring a VA from the Philippines is that most of the people there are fluent in English, and that's what I need The currency conversion rate works in my favor and they are fluent in English which makes it a win win for everyone
When you're looking for a VA you can usually post on SeoClerks or other big marketplaces and make your own rates. You can actually get a VA for cheaper than $4.00 an hour if you want, but you may be cutting out some quality assistants and only getting the people who are just starting out in the field. I've had VA's who cost $50 a week and I wasn't too happy with their performance so I did not rehire them. Pay a little extra and you'll be happy you did
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I actually just did a conversion rate and it turns out you're are paying almost my exact current net salary lol, give or take a few bucks.
I would love to have my personal assistant! But I'm not at a point where I can hire someone full time, I also don't have that much work to give and outsource. I have a couple of Indian guys on my payroll, but I don't always need them. $640 a month? You are actually paying a pretty nice salary here Razzy. I would jump on the offer if I didn't have a 8 hours job already. I actually just did a conversion rate and it turns out you're are paying almost my exact current net salary lol, give or take a few bucks. I would love to have my personal assistant! But I'm not at a point where I can hire someone full time, I also don't have that much work to give and outsource. I have a couple of Indian guys on my payroll, but I don't always need them.
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