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I just want some guidance here please. I am starting to outsource some of my content writing now and I am very happy with the results.
I didn't actually request the content to be written because it was pre-written content that was offered for this particular service that I purchased.
So I am very happy with the content but it is clearly not written by me. How do I deal with this on my website? The writer has already said he wants to just be a ghost writer... so how do I publish it on my website?
Is it fine just to publish under my name and leave it like that? I don't think anyone will like point fingers at me and accuse me of not being the writer LOL
I have just never done this before so not sure how it works.
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Make a new account on your website or blog for each of your writers and whenever you get work from them you just have to log into the profile that you assigned for their writing style and post the content. This way you can avoid the "Well you didn't write this!" situation because they style is obviously different than what you've been posting.
If you're using wordpress, or something similar, it's pretty easy to set up new profiles and set them as authors. I wouldn't name the profiles the exact name of the writer you're talking to just so that it doesn't get tracked back to them. It's your website after all and you'll want people to think that the writers who are posting the content are only writing for you. Open a file and have the writers real name and the pen name that is associated with them, as well as their login details that are for your website. This way you will have everything in one place and you won't mix any of the authors up. You will have all of your author profiles posting in their own writing style and you can be seen as a bigger website with multiple people writing for it.
Well that's the easy way to do it. Hopefully that helps
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