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I finally updated my Instagram app after many months of slacking, and a new shiny option popped up.. It asked me if I'd like to switch my profile to "business". I tried it, and here's what I've learned so far.
The main features seem to be the following.
1. ADVERTISE: You can now "promote" posts, like you can on Facebook. It seems like a very similar ad platform. The ads allow customers to click directly to your website and more.
2. INSIGHTS: You can get insights about your audience demographics (ages, locations, gender), best posting times, etc. You can also see what your most engaging posts are. Pretty useful. These features seem to only kick in for posts made after the business switch is made.
3. CONTACT: You now have a "Contact" button on your profile, which allows customers to email you, text you or get directions to your business, based on your preferences in settings. This is cool. Honestly, I love the idea of diverting people AWAY from my DM box. I don't like Instagram DMs. I'd rather have people email me old school.
To make the switch from "personal" to "business", just click the gear icon on the top right, scroll down and choose the "Switch To Business Account" option. You can just as easily switch back to personal at any time. More info is here: http://blog.business.instagram.com/post/147808315816/creating-a-business-account
I think it's available to everyone now. It was in "roll out" mode for awhile, only available to selected users.. Not sure if it still is. It's here for little old me, so I imagine it's up for grabs to anyone who updates their app.
Has anyone else tried this yet? How are you liking it, so far?
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You simply can't say you copied the feature, and can make it your own and make it before and utilize it better than a company did before you. That's so very wrong in my eyes, and in the eyes of others. I do not condone Instagram's theft. Lol. Very interesting, and when you think of the Stories for Instagram you can see what exactly they are trying to do.. which is a great move but a very shady one. Snapchat is known for the Stories function or feature, and since Instagram basically copied the idea and applied to their platform. I think some users are questioning Instagram's integrity. You simply can't say you copied the feature, and can make it your own and make it before and utilize it better than a company did before you. That's so very wrong in my eyes, and in the eyes of others. I do not condone Instagram's theft. Lol.
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