
iPhone vs Android: Which phone has better battery life? Debate

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iPhone vs Android: Which phone has better battery life?

I have personally been around Android pretty much all my life.

I recently have made that change to an iPhone i now have a 6s , now i remember back in my android days how my battery use to run.

The Androids that i have dealt with have really slow charge times; a couple hours actually.

I'm also never able to use my phone while it was on the charger as that would drain the battery and eventually cause the phone to die.

,Now with iPhone the battery dies in about a few hours but the charge times, I have found are way faster than Android and my phone charges in about 1 1/2 hours.

That's just my experience and maybe you found something else to be true. Want your feedback on this. Does your Android charge slower or faster than your iPhone? And, is faster charge time one of the selling features of your smart phone?


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I would happen to say, Apple. I notice people whom don't use Apple products seem to have low battery life, as bobjoehax3 has stated. Normally I can charge my IPOD all night, and it'll run for days, and this IPOD is years old with a cracked screen too. So I think Apple wins in regards to the battery life spec vs other phones, or even other devices. If at any time in the future I decide to switch to another provider battery life will be one thing I will have to look out for.. and research.

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Definitely iPhone. Having owned a Samsung tablet and smartphone, as well as an iPad and iPhone, I can say for sure that Apple devices do in fact last longer as regards to battery life. Besides the Samsung devices I owned used to take longer to charge and it is so frustrating.

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I am an Android user and so I can't comment about iPhone batteries. The Android batteries below 3000 M..* seem to finish faster. I mean you need to charge frequently. But all this depends with what you use your phone for.

I love Android phones and I know how to manage the battery so I can charge once in two days.

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From what I gathered from my friends who are using an iPhone, the battery lasts longer because they usually plug to charge every other day. With the Samsung, the charging is every day which means the full charge will not last for more than a day. We are talking of normal use here so I guess I have to agree that an iPhone’s battery lasts longer than the Android phone’s battery. I own a Samsung and I also charge it every night.

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