
Posting Website Links On facebook or twitter Count as Backlink?

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Posting Website Links On facebook or twitter Count as Backlink?

I want to know that Posting Website links on social media like Facebook and Twitter do it count as back link ?
If Yes what quality
If No How posting website link on social media help SEo

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No they would not count as backlinks and are not likely to affect your ranking. However when posting on social media platforms you are increasing your visibility to those who actually see the posts, as well as benefiting from the probability that a good number of these end up sharing your post with friends and followers of theirs. So if you want backlinks, do not focus too much on social media. SMM is important, and needs to be done, but not to get backlinks and an improvement in the ranking per se.

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Hello. No, link on social media networks such as Facebook or Twitter are not counted as backlinks by Google or other search engines. But they do take into consideration the Social Media visibility of a certain brand.
Nobody knows how Google calculated ranks, the algorithm is a secret and it changes constantly. My personal opinion is that links on social media do matter and is taken into consideration, but not as for normal backlinks and not nearly with so much weight.

Also keep in mind that having a social media presence is not enough anymore. You need cool ideas for constant campaigns and also your niche must align with the mentality people have on social media.

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Hi TopSEO4you thanks for your question. Here has many confusion still by many SEO expert. I personally do not think, Facebook or twitter promotion will work as social backlink. And that will count as Google as off-page SEO backlink. Social media promotion may work for audience connection. But, rank is different matter. And Google already chance many rules for search engine. Oh! you can add your site on social page directly or by hash tag. It will increase to get related visitors. Besides, somebody thinking social signal also work for search ranking. Specially g+ or FB likes. Here also has confusion will it work or not?

So, I think for getting better rank, you need to concentrate on other SEO terms.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Most social platforms are nofollow so posting on there solely to get an increase in the search engine rankings won't do much. Well, it won't do anything directly, indirectly it will help out because it will build a few nofollow backlinks to mix in with your dofollow backlinks form different websites. Having a good mix of dofollow and nofollow links is always good because it makes your campaign look more natural Posting Website Links On facebook or twitter Count as Backlink?

Post to facebook with hopes that your content will get shared, that's where the real power of social platforms comes into play. Social signals are big, sure, but it's only as good as your content really. Just posting "Great Article!" on someones post won't do you anything in the long run. If you're posting quality content that is getting shared, then you'll see the benefits Posting Website Links On facebook or twitter Count as Backlink?

So in the end, No. The social media links won't give you as big a boost in the rankings as you would think. They are definitely a necessity, but they aren't a one hit wonder for your rankings Posting Website Links On facebook or twitter Count as Backlink? Post quality content and the masses, or a few people, will come in and like what you've done and possibly share your post Posting Website Links On facebook or twitter Count as Backlink?

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I love social media, but I placed too much importance on it when I first started working online. Make it part of your online marketing plan for sure, but it is just one piece of the puzzle.

No links on social media don't count as backlinks but social signals do help your website ranking a little, plus of course you will get some traffic from social media.

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i have a question about that social backlinks

how this site could get backlinks from social media Posting Website Links On facebook or twitter Count as Backlink?

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Sharing links on social media does not count as proper backlinks even though you can get traffic by sharing on social media. Interestingly, sharing on social book marking sites can generate backlinks for your website. For instance, you can get backlink if you share on social bookmarking sites such as stumbleupon, digg etc.
Backlinks means getting links from authoritative sites.

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I would say sharing your website on Facebook is more effective for varying reasons. One thing I also understand is that it might not get you the needed backline needed too.

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I have read in several discussions that links posted in social media are called social bookmarks and search engines are now starting to consider such links to be legitimate backlinks in the near future. Search engines cannot discount social media in their algorithm because social media is the in thing. Do you know of anyone in your circle who does not have a social media account? Even the ultra seniors here, age 80 and above, have their Twitter and Facebook accounts. And in the numbers game, those accounts that post backlinks will matter.

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Thank you for your nice question, is a best site to make permanent backlink & it's 100% free to use. You can try to post your article now to get permanent backlinks...

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