
Why a Website Should Have Push Notifications?

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Why a Website Should Have Push Notifications?

Push notifications are becoming very popular nowadays, and it seems that all new and older websites are installing push notifications because of many benefits that they have.
I've just installed those in my website, and i can say that installation process was really long, but they are amazing. Also, the managing panel where you can manage them it's simply wonderful because everything that you need is there.

If you want to install web push notifications , you can do it via OneSignal.

Screenshot of Push Notification that i'm using for my website.

Why a Website Should Have Push Notifications?

Benefits of Push Notifications

  • They are completely Free
  • Real time Analytics
  • Can be installed on free or paid website
  • You can send custom & group notifications to your visitors , using their browser id
  • You can add buttons to your notifications
  • You can personalize your notification box, as you need
  • You can send Unlimited Notifications
  • You can send scheduled message to your visitors
  • Every notification can be linked with an link, or can be used as a notification only

Have you installed them on your website? And what do you think about them?


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Does the documentation on onesignal go over everything step by step? I glanced over it but haven't gone into depth in reading just yet lol.

I've always wanted to set up push notifications for my website because they seem like they'd be pretty good at converting into sales. I've used scheduled email notifications through third party services like aweber and mailchimp, but that's email and not on my actual pages or website lol.

What's your experience with them?
I've never used them on my websites, like I said. But I'd be willing to give them a try if you said you were happy with the outcome they brought Why a Website Should Have Push Notifications?

Have you seen people being more engaged on your pages?
If people aren't getting more engaged, not even one, then it wouldn't really be worth it to put push notifications on my site. Now I know some niches may be different than others, but I'd like to get an idea before I proceed Why a Website Should Have Push Notifications?

Have you made any additional sales because of the push notifications?
This is the end goal really. If you don't increase your sales, then why do it lol. If I'm going to invest a good amount of time setting up push notifications I'd want to know that there is a chance to increase my sales. Because remember, time is money Why a Website Should Have Push Notifications?

How long did it take you to set up the push notifications?
If it takes a super long time to do this, I might just hire someone. I've got a pretty full plate right now so if I have to invest 10 hours into setting up push notifications, I'll be paying someone to do it lol.

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Push notifications have many benefits and it is a good thing that you installed them.These clickable messages are sent like notifications right to your subscribers’ browsers. Since they are sent on the browser, your subscribers will not have to be on the site itself in order to receive them and so there is a much better outreach. Push notifications can also work for both desktop sites and also for mobile sites. They are short messages, and so they will feel okay with subscribers as they will not take up much of their time. I think that is a great benefit of these notifications.

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Oh nice, thanks for adding this information. Yes I have heard of push notifications and I thought that was what it was but I wasn't entirely sure. I think maybe this would be very useful for me. I'm going to see how I can use this for all 3 of my websites.

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I've seen a lot of people talking about push notifications and I have been on websites that have asked me if I want to get notifications from them. I have always said no simply because I get so many emails and notifications from social media that I often feel like I am being swamped with things!

I want to know all the things Razzy asked Why a Website Should Have Push Notifications?

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I agree that push notifications are very good. What I love to do is work on multiple things at once when I am on my PC and it slows me down when I need to refresh the page to get notifications. Push notifications allows me to see that a website needs my attention without needing to refreshing the page every so often. A few good examples are Facebook and Xenforo which gives you notifications without refreshing the page which means you can get to things so much quicker. It is a very handy tool for a webmasters and forum owners.

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