
How effective is sharing images within your social media posts?

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How effective is sharing images within your social media posts?

People said that image / photo is like speaking 1000 words! On social media sites we usually write short posts, so adding nice images to it can be beneficial, mainly on Twitter where we are limited to 140 characters to post. So how effective is sharing images within your posts and what kind of images work best for you.

Do you absolutely choose images related to contents of your text, or you choose whatever it is, but looking eye catchy?

If you tested few different options, i would love to know what worked for you best when we talking about engaging people to interact with our posts.


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very very effective , like you took the time too mention a picture is worth a thousand words, and attached to post makes every thing a thousand times better, any body could write post all day you know but when you add visuals to any thing it becomes a game changer your giving your audience some thing too see rather then just read, you know that saying wont believe it till i see well yea that can also apply in this case, you can say a whole lot of things on the web and could be meaningless but if you add a visual then the empty ness in your post is filled, and you give the reader more which is always helpful.

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Hi anwebservices thanks for your question. Yes I agree with you. Image or picture will work as like thousand word text on social media. And it is pragmatic practical. if you write some word and post on social media, your fan or followers may miss it as plain text. But, if you post any text with a related image, you will get huge response. I like to use animated picture. And flowers will attract more for any animated image. And as your point on twitter, you can just use 140 characters for 1 tweet and I saw by using image with tweet more responsive to followers.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Yes for sure. I have found that social media posts with images reach a lot more people and have a load more engagement than posts without images.

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yea i have noticed that too but that goes with any thing people respond off of visuals , i used to work at this restaurant and i used to make wages serving sides too customers so you know a restaurant has menus and what not and the store was cafeteria style so we had list of items on the glass for our customers too read and decide what they wanted and let me tell you how many would skip out on the list and just get straight to asking me to let them see all the sides, some people didnt even notice the list that was right in there face till i pointed it out, people dont want to read they want too see.

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When I am sharing my links on social media, I usually use the featured image from my post as the preview image. Since the image on my post also happens to be the preview image on social media, I use a high-quality photo on my posts. My photos are made for Pinterest kind of images (because Pinterest uses image pins for content curation). made for pinterest images are the images that are high quality, eye-catching, and says a lot of things. Made for Pinterest images are also useful for twitter and facebook.

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My husband has the habit of posting his selfie almost every day. It started some years back when he posted a funny picture of himself. It got a lot of likes and comments. And then he posted more. And after a week when he stopped posting funny selfies, there were numerous comments clamoring for more. So now my husband seemed to have the obligation of posting such novelty selfies for the benefit of his fans. But me? I seldom post my selfie because it is not relevant to me.

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