
Do you feel you are more efficient at a particular time of the day/night?

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Do you feel you are more efficient at a particular time of the day/night?

I know that most of you work from home, and so you basically set your own working hours. Do you have a particular time of the day or night, that you feel more efficient and more at ease? Personally I seem to work harder in the afternoon. I keep saying I will wake up really early so as to manage to work a bit more before the rest of the household wakes up but I rarely manage to wake up very early. And after 6pm I just feel too tired to continue.
What about you? Any tips you would like to share? Thanks!


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I think I work better in the late morning, afternoon and at night time. Mainly because during the school year I drop my little girl off at 8:10am and I come home to walk my dog. After that I'll usually eat something and get ready for the day. By the time I start working it's usually 10am or 11am.

Working in the afternoon doesn't always work for me because I'll have my little girl with me after 2:30pm and I can't just ignore her the whole time I'm on my computer. Just imaging the rage my girlfriend would have for me if I told her I didn't pay attention to our little one when she was home and I just made her watch TV while I worked haha.

Working at night is where I shine, I think. Mainly because my girlfriend is home so I'm able to get away by myself and work if I need to. My girlfriend will usually take our little one and hang out with her and entertain her. I do come out of my office and hang out every hour, but I do need to get some work done to keep the roof above our head and they understand that Do you feel you are more efficient at a particular time of the day/night? I do like working really late, past midnight, because everyone is asleep and I can just sit there with a beer and hammer out what I need to lol. I'll have one beer, that's all, I won't be getting hammered and ruining my clients work. When I was single I would start working at 10pm and stay up til 6-7am working. I would sleep during the day and be awake for dinner (my breakfast).

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I also need to establish my working hours around the needs and times of my family. Like you I have kids to think of, with their school hours, extracurricular activities, helping with homeworks, and errands too. So as soon as they get back from school I hardly ever manage to do any work. I try to work as hard as I can in the morning and afternoon, and often it is not enough. So when I am really busy I try to work either very early in the morning or for a couple of hours after they go to bed.

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Yes, I am the same. I have to set my working hours around when my kids too. I get work done in bits and pieces. The bulk of it is in the morning while my kids are at play school.

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I work more efficiently during the nights or early mornings, before I go to bed. At the time I write this, it's 06:54 AM here in Sweden, and I haven't slept yet. I usually work until 08:00 - 09:00 AM, each day. And I can't say why but I'm just more focused during these hours so it's the best time for me to work, without a doubt. I produce more and I have enough energy in me to produce content, come up with new ideas and taking care of business related things. However, I do not handle any support issues during this time. At least not often. Those things are for the early hours, before I'm efficient. It feels like a "waste of time" if I handle support things during the hours I work at best!

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Oh my! You are one of those people who stay up all night then. I never managed to do it ever! I feel exhausted by 10pm generally. I wish I were able to work at least till midnight, but I very rarely managed to do it. I know many people who feel they work better at night though, just like you. How many hours do you get to sleep then on average?

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Yeah, I stay up all night. Each night. This has actually gotten worse since I got panic anxiety, after my father passed away. An estimation would be about 5 hours of sleep each day, 5-6 days per week, and a long 10-12 hours of sleep once per week.

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Sorry to hear that. Personally I just cannot manage to have enough energy during the day if I sleep less than 6.5-7 hours at night. I wish I were able to feel fit and energized and manage to wake up early, because that would help me to manage to complete more work while the rest of the family are still asleep. It would actually be the ideal time since there would be that nice quiet ambiance rather than all the activity and noise that arises as soon as kids wake up.

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Yeah I hear you. My biggest problem is that I actually LOVE to sleep.. I've always been able to sleep for about 8-9 or even 10 hours, but not since that day.. :/

However, I'm still okay with that, since I've always been something like an "night owl". I find it easier during the night to produce content and focus on things. It's nice to be alone in the dark... Do you feel you are more efficient at a particular time of the day/night?

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Oooh a night owl. My sister used to be the same, she would literally work all night. I am not built that way for starters and now I have a little family. I cannot sleep at all during the day because I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old.

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I hear you Lynne. In fact, I'm glad I don't have any kids for that reason.. And because I'm an "night owl" with panic anxiety.. It wouldn't be a good thing for me at this point in my life. However, I do love kids and I want 2 or 3 of those little rascals. Do you feel you are more efficient at a particular time of the day/night?

In time, I'll get them, and I'll be the best dad ever, I'm sure of it!

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Enjoy your life before those little rascals enter your life... because life as you know it will be over, simple. In its place will be something else entirely.

Yes I do miss life before kids, you know when I am tired and everything is going wrong and I can't get a thing done... but mostly my life is richer and much more entertaining that before I had kids.

It is amazing how having kids changed my perception of so many things, especially my priorities. I can't believe I am the same person that I was 5 years ago.

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to be honest with you i am more of a mid day afternoon kind of person the whole reason i work for myself is to more comfortable and i do find days were i like to sleep in. i wake up early on a daily basis though, but you know i also like to enjoy my self a good breakfast before i get my day started. the afternoon is usually the best cant really complain once your well rested and your already have your day going your already in the mix nothing can really throw you off at that point

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This is a good question. I can say that I am least efficient in the morning and I am probably most efficient in the afternoon after lunch. In the afternoon, your tea or coffee starts to work too making you less tired. At night I feel very tired but that is kind of expected. Once because I had lots of work to do, I drank coffee at night and I couldn't sleep that night so I wouldn't recommend drinking coffee at night. I like doing as much work as possible in the afternoon because I am most efficient then.

King regards,

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If I drink too much coffee at night I can sleep but I have to get up often to pee... and that is not much fun, especially when it is so cold like now in the winter months Do you feel you are more efficient at a particular time of the day/night?

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I work best in the early mornings, right after I had my cup of coffee, and near the evening. I don't know why, perhaps it's the earning money awakening, energy, and revitalizing sleep? This usually lasts a couple of hours and then I feel exhausted. However, in the evenings, around 3 to 6pm I have a rush of energy again. It's very odd, but I have noticed this a lot, and I believe this is my peak times to get anything done. My usual down time is most likely the early afternoons, because im just so tired.. it's weird. Does anyone else get tired after a few hours and then get a burst of energy?

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Yes it usually happens to me. Since after a certain amount of time I start to get tired of writing, and my eyes hurt and sometimes I just cannot seem to concentrate, I just have to stop and take a break. Afterwards I feel refreshed and full of energy to start again. I cannot work much in the evenings as I need to do other stuff, such as cooking, errands, helping with homework etc. So I work mostly in the morning and afternoon.

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Yes I also get peak times and tired times during the day. I get a 3pm slump though, where I am exhausted for a while!

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Just had to take a nap today, which is something I rarely do. But I had a headache and could not concentrate at all. It is really great when you wake up and feel so refreshed. I literally feel as if I can get a lot of work completed = I simply love this feeling! If only it was always that way, or maybe I get to have some sort of energy drink which truly energizes me!

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I love getting in a day nap! Usually I don't get the chance to during the week or my 4 year old will be running wild and unattended... not good. Sometimes on the weekends I get to nap with my son and hubby looks after my daughter.

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Oh I am a morning person for sure. I can think better, I am more productive in general and I get things done faster. As the day goes by I get slower and more tired.

This is just as well as I have 2 young kids that are in play school from 8am - 12am... so I get the bulk of all my work done while I am alone. Then in the afternoons I will manage to get a little work done while my son is sleeping and my daughter draws but it is never much work, just a little bit here and there.

I also usually work for a while in the evenings from about 8h30pm but I am not a night person so I only do this when I have to get things finished.

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Hi EliteWriter thanks for your nice question. I have no specific time to do job for freelancing. And I am not working home too. I prefer to work mainly in office. And I do not get up early in the morning because, I am taking sleep very late night. And after wake up in the late morning, I just check my all online profile. Nothing do much after getting wake up in home. I just come in office at 11 AM and stay here to 11 PM. I mean 12 hours I work in office. Within this time, I have to do all necessary job. So, here is no any particular day and night time as preferable for me. And sometimes I work in home while it is holiday.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I think I am more efficient in the early morning, the hour before breakfast because my mind is fresh and my creativity is high. My worst period is late afternoon when I am physically tired and my mind is stressed with tasks in the office. But after dinner, which is my relaxation hour, I have noticed that my efficiency is again on the high although I cannot work for long because it is nearing my bedtime.

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