
Why do I need ALT text on images? Does it benefit SEO rankings?

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Why do I need ALT text on images? Does it benefit SEO rankings?

What is the main benefit of having the ALT code placed into the image code?

<img src="" alt="" />


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The main reason to have an alt tag, or alt attribute, on your images is so when someone gets to your website and the image does not load properly, it will show your tag. Having your at tag optimized with a keyword is another thing that helps you out in the long run in terms of SEO and your rankings. Have you ever gone to a website and seen a line of text where an image was suppose to be? That's the alt text/attribute/tag doing it's work ;)

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Actually Google & other search engine's BOT are not smart enough to read contents(If there is any) from images so it is necessary to put alt tag with images in webpages.

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I heard that adding alt tags to images was vital for SEO so I always do it. I never really knew there was a reason for it other than ranking.

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Hi Everett thanks for nice question about image alt tag. Attributing ALT text or tag in image very importance for optimization on search engine. Google does not know what is your image about except ALT text or tag? Google only able to know your image name, title and ALT tag, when searching your webpage. This tag is also useful for helping a vision impaired person to understand what's being shown in the image. So, I think image ALT text will help for SEO result. Because, if you do not use image ALT tag or text, Google never able to know what you were using. So, image should have Tag, title, and description for getting SEO result.

Regards by Ajlancer

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You should do SEO not only for your site and site contents (text), but also on the images you use. Image optimization for search engine includes:
having the keyword as the name, description as well as caption
using 72 dpi images to reduce the size
Keeping image dimension to less than 1000 px.
Using alt tags.

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