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I guess this should be in the Web Hosting category as that's what it is only for images! Over the years we've had some great free image hosting sites like Photobucket and Tinypic! I know you know and remember these sites no matter who you are! These days though everyone has their preference and or favorite.
I usually use IMGUR imgur.com or IMGUP imgup.net as they're both pretty stable but sometimes the lesser known image hosts are good to use to unless they go down, which they can do and then subsequently all your images do too.
What's your favorite preferred image uploading site and why?
Or do you prefer to upload images only to your own site?
Another question. More about adding images to SEOClerks. How do you attach an image to a post in the FAQ area without using the image short code? What is a way to do that so SEOClerks is hosting the image rather than relying on a free image hosting site to do it which could go down at any minute and mean images not showing. Because I use some of these sites in some of my faq posts and don't want that to happen.
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