
When shopping, does price matter?

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When shopping, does price matter?

When it comes to shopping, what's the most important factor, price; quality or do you strive for both? And, how do you find good discounts off top quality products?


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I don't mind a discount off a top name product, but typically discounted products don't work well for me as they are cheaply made, poor quality construction and only full priced cheap as they were made cheaply with the most inferior construction materials.

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Price is not my biggest concern. I look for a product that meets my needs and lets me do what I want. So for a computer, it would need to be very fast, lots of computing power, storage, no lag, good graphics (for gaming), etc. And, then I would shop the available computers to see what was available. I don't buy the most expensive item, but if I see something a little out of my budget I will put it on the list to work toward.

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Both are concerns of mine. I want a good quality but yet at the same time am not going to pay an arm and a leg for it.

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I normally look for anything with a good description, good feedback(if any) and within my price range, there are many good things that can be bought at a low price so in my opinion price doesn't matter. When shopping, does price matter?

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Yes price does matter because I don't want to pay for something if it is not going to be fully worth it.

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If it is worth it, then price does not matter!

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Price does not matter to me as long as the quality is there.

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Quality Service=Best buy
Quality Service=High Cost
But if u get Quality Service at low Cost...dont wait... just attack it !!

It would be rare to find quality service at a low cost but not unheard of. If you can find someone willing to work at a discount but still do a good job, why not use their service.

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I think that price and quality both matter. I look at price and don't mind paying more for it if it is high quality.

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I always look at price but also want to make sure that it is getting the best quality that I can afford.

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Obviously the price matters. But Quality too..
Look for things of high quality and less price.

My Funda!!

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Quality is what matters the most to me. I will pay more for something that is worth it.

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If you spend a dollar for a low quality item, you never use and it goes in the closet or trash, then it's a complete waste of money. But, if you spent ten dollars for a better quality item that serves your purpose and helps you in some way or saves you time and you use it everyday, then it's more than worth the extra price.

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My rule on shopping is that you should never buy something just because you have a coupon or discount for it. You will be wasting 100% of your money.

Only buy things you can and will use daily or occasionally. That's the best use of your money, no matter what the cost.

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I'm not really rich so I don't buy a lot of things. However when I buy something it has to be the best quality as I don't want it to wear out quickly. I'd buy a few very good things, then a lot of cheap quality items that do me no good.

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Price does matter to me because money doesn't grow on trees. Most likely I have a budget when I go out shopping and only expect to spend a certain amount of money that day. I won't spend an extreme amount of money on an item I know I can get it cheaper somewhere else. I am a bargain shopper and love shopping when there is sales, or I have coupons. Discount prices are the best prices for me especially since I'm young and need to save as much as possible. I like to receive a good amount of product for what I am paying for. I wouldn't just spend a huge amount on one item when I can get three items for the same price.

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Price is a determining factor whenever I shop and I don't think that I'm changing that attitude in any distance time. If the price is affordable to me, that is when I will try to look at the quality to ensure it fits into what I want.

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I am a stickler for discipline particularly in shopping. Except for chance shopping, I have a list of what to buy for my regular shopping that is once every 2 weeks. The list of items include the estimated prices so I can have a clear idea of how much I am going to spend. But that’s for the grocery items only because shopping in department store is a different case. Although I have a budgeted amount, I don’t have specifics in mind. Like this past holiday, I would be buying a ton of gifts and the only guide I have is the amount of budget for each gift.

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For me, Quality is what i look not the price. I wouldn't buy a cheap product that won't last a month. I prefer buying stuff that is way over my budget but i know that will last for a long time.

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