
Did you ever get keylogged?

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Did you ever get keylogged?

Did you ever download a program online and it installed spyware or keylogger program that caused you to get an account hacked? How can you avoid being hacked by a keylogger? Please offer suggestions.


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I hope not. Though, one of my former computers got seriously infected with spyware from a forum pop up on another site. This was maybe five years ago. It was annoying as that was a good computer and one day it was working and after the pop up, it just shut down and would never boot up again.

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Most times, you will not know you have a keylogger on your computer unless you scan your computer regularly with spyware remover software. The spyware remover is likely to pick up any malware or badware on your computer that could be causing an infection.

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Many people are keylogged daily and never know it. But they will know only by logging into their bank account and realizing their money is gone. The keylogger works silently, unlike a regular spyware infection. The keystrokes are logged. For this reason, it's important to stay off illegal download sites which might harbor infected keylogged files.

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I can certainly say that I have never been hacked, key-logged or received a virus. The best way to avoid any of that happening is to not download any program (.exe, .dmg etc etc) files online Did you ever get keylogged?

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If you ever tried to login to an account and could not, it's a likely sign you were keylogged. This can happen to anyone, so be safe and scan regularly.

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