
Why should you buy a .me top level domain?

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Why should you buy a .me top level domain?

There are many good reasons to buy a .me top level domain

The .me TLD is perfect for the personal or professional blog where you want to use your own name.

This is great for anyone who wants to establish their own professional or personal identity in the online world.

What other ways could you use the .me top level domain for marketing purposes?


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One of my favorites is the site which allows you to take screenshots of your desktop and instantly upload to your online gallery or share links on Facebook. They have a very clever and memorable name and a very useful product.

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The domain is very famous and easy to remember. The site gives users a place to put their personal/professional resume of accomplishments. It's a nice way to round up all the projects you are working on offline and online into one place. And, easier to link to that one site rather than ten other sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc).

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I like using and finding nice words that end in 'me' and buying the domain, and then either trying to accomplish a project on it, or resell it later.

Kind Regards,

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.me domain name can be sold at good price if it has the good name which matches with .me extension like


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.me domain name can be sold at good price if it has the good name which matches with .me extension like


There are very few really good .me TLD left. I'm sure many people are wishing they'd gotten in on the .me TLD idea when it first came out.

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Initially I registered sites on .me domain to get my preferred site name followed by me Why should you buy a .me top level domain?. It looks cool, when you own sites like ;). I used to own it, until it got expired.

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.me is a Montenegro tld and its unrestricted so anyone can get the domain name

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Don't you think I can get any domain? I mean I can always register .com or .org domains for myself Why should you buy a .me top level domain?. So, I don't think .me has anything special in this regards ;)

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.me is a Montenegro tld and its unrestricted so anyone can get the domain name

I like the .me TLD extension as it personalizes a website and is good for someone's online resume/portfolio

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I registered about four .me domains including for when I release my affiliate store and I bought that domain because I thought it would be great since it's listing "seoclerks" services.

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I like the .me TLD extension as it personalizes a website and is good for someone's online resume/portfolio

You can do same thing on .com domains or free blogs. So, why do you specifically need .me domain?

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Normally I prefer .com or .net domain names, I do not really rate .me domains that highly.

I am sure .me is a great extension for some, but not for me.

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Its more of a thing.
Although, .name TLD is out now. Former felt more personal.

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Personally, I bought my .me domain for my personal portfolio site. Purely because I felt it had that "personal" feel to it.

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I registered about four .me domains including for when I release my affiliate store and I bought that domain because I thought it would be great since it's listing "seoclerks" services.

This is a smart idea, so long as you are not infringing on anyone's trademark or copyright names.

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