
Sponsored Tweets

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Sponsored Tweets

Have you tried any sponsored tweet services on SEOClerks and did it gain you any extra traffic/sales/members on to your website?


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I have, it works very well if you get a person who tweets about your website topic. It can even raise your rankings in search engines.

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I have not purchased a tweet. But a friend of mine with a popular Twitter account tweeted about my blog post once and my traffic spiked. So I know getting tweets from others really works.

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Yes, I use them, they are great to get visitors if the Twitter Profile has a lot of followers, but even it the Twitter Profile isn't too active, Search Engines like to see Tweets (Social Signals) for your website and it helps you rank better. Sponsored Tweets Same goes for all Social Network Shares, they help your SEO. Sponsored Tweets

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if you purchase sponsored tweets, you must check your niche first.
ask yourself, what are you looking for before you purchase tweets.
example: if you are looking for targeted audience in music, you have to purchase tweets from users who tweeted about music and have real followers.

this is my tips for you: don't just look profile that have a lots of followers. check the followers interaction to their tweets such as how many retweets, favorites and reply they get. they may have lots of followers 100K, 200K real followers but no interaction on their tweets. its waste of money.

if you purchase tweets to get an audience, then look into the followers interaction, not followers count.
if your purpose is for backlinks, check for low outbound link.

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