
Can a Google+ page or profile rank?

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Can a Google+ page or profile rank?

Is it possible for a Google+ page or profile to rank in Google search? And, what type of SEO could you do to get your page ranked?


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Yes Google+ Page is rank and its very helpful to increase traffic.

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Yes, both (a G+ profile and a G+ page) can rank. All depends by the number of followers (plus some influencers would be the best) and social engagement...

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Yes can be ranked easily.

Treat them as website.

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If you publish content rich pages on your Google+ pages that gets lots of shares and backlinks, then you are likely to be able to rank those pages in Google Search. Just give people what they want to read. At least, you will get lots of organic, real traffic from all the shares you are receiving.

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Yes! If you want better search rankings? You start with your Google plus Profile. Google Plus is considered to be a powerful weapon in your SEO campaign. You just need to take the time in optimizing your page and profile, sharing content that are interesting will put you on the path to higher SEO rankings.

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Google+ Page is rank and its very helpful to increase traffic.
it is very important for seo members

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I think Google Plus has a real plus when it comes to the ranking in Google because it is an affiliate of the search engine. Although I don’t have an account in Google Plus, I have been reading about is because when I get the time I would probably shift my allegiance from Facebook to Google Plus. Right now I am still in social media but later on I know that Google Plus will be it when it comes to networking.

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I have had a Google Plus account for several years. I am sure that it helps. I've actually seen some of my posts in the search results. I searched using "generic" or "organics" terms and my posts appeared. There was talk that Google was going to close down their social network. But I guess it was just baseless rumors. It's 2018 and the G+ network is still here. Make use of it. It's free to use.

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