
How if Facebook better (or worse) than Twitter?

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How if Facebook better (or worse) than Twitter?

For me, the best thing about Facebook (as a blogger with a Facebook fan page) is that you can post so much more content and are not limited to a maximum character count. Also, Facebook is good for professional and personal socializing (same for Twitter). You can share in depth conversations with friends (and followers of your Fan page) but you can't do that on Twitter.


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No facebook is pretty good then twitter and quite user friendly. Most important thing is it keep upgrading itself which is really nice thing.

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Facebook is really a good social networking site and very good as an tool for SEO.

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There's no comparison between Facebook and Twitter as they serve different purposes. For one, Twitter is more about trending news. If it's happening right now, you're likely to find it on Twitter. While Facebook posts are more ever green and stick around for a long time.

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Facebook is better than twitter because it is user friendly and also SEO friendly

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Yes, Facebook is very good social networking website.

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Facebook is better than twitter because it is user friendly and also SEO friendly

Does Google actually get a chance to index the links on Facebook? Some people say no to that. What's your view?

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I hate that on Twitter you can only tweet so much. That is why I stick mainly to Facebook.

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Yes they are both good but I think that for me Twitter is not a good idea. I know that some love it but I have always hated it.

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Never liked twitter much. I guess it is just that you can not get as much info on your tweet as if you could if you posted on fb.

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Never liked twitter much. I guess it is just that you can not get as much info on your tweet as if you could if you posted on fb.

Yes Ralph that is one thing that drives me crazy as well. I like being able to post whatever I like, and not have to worry about a limit.

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Actually the purpose and way of connecting with people for facebook and twitter is different. They have different aspects but in my point of view facebook is more familiar and relevant than twitter.

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Twitter and Facebook are similar in a sense that both of these social media sites have similar demography. The most active Twitter followers are 45-55 years of age and same is with Facebook. Through these social media sites you will be reaching people in the same age group.
Whether facebook is better or Twitter is better depends on the number of followers or friends you have. If you have 5K followers on Twitter and and just 1K friends on Facebook, Twitter will give you better results and vice versa.

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I have been using Facebook for up to 6 years running and I have to admit that it is one of the best social media networks one can use for both private reasons and for doing business. The good thing is that they keep updating new features everytime to keep their users happy.

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To be frank on the issue, I have a Twitter account that I don’t use because I think Facebook is more than enough. With the connections that I make on Facebook, what would I need Twitter for or any other social media network for that matter? And Facebook has the facility for pictures and videos aside from the Facebook Page and Facebook Group. It is like having a network of my own within a big network.

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