
Asking friends to like your page

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Asking friends to like your page

Will you ask your friends on your Facebook friend list to like your page? Is this a good way to get likes or just annoying?


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This is one of the best ways I get likes for my page, just asking people I know to like the page. That will usually result in their friends liking the page too and so on.

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It is annoying. But at the same time it is a great way to get some likes for your page. Offer an incentive for them to like the pageAsking friends to like your page

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Asking friends for page likes is big business. And, if you have an extraordinarily large Facebook friend list, you will enjoy many more likes than someone who is a lot less social or popular on the site.

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If you only ask them once in a while it is ok but if you have more than one page, and keep asking them, that is very annoying.

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As long as you are not nagging them to like it, there is not a thing wrong with that.

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On every page you like, including your own, there should be an option to invite your friends to like the page. If you use that option, do so sparingly and only for people who share your interests.

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As long as you are not nagging them to like it, there is not a thing wrong with that.

I get a few requests from friends to like their new page and sometimes I will like the page if it's a niche that I'm already interested in. Or, if I like that person a lot, then I'll like the page as a favor to help them out.

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Suggesting your page to friends is acceptable, so long as you are not overbearing and insist they like the page. Just make a polite suggestion and let it go.

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I would not ask my very close friends to like a page that i was admin on or they might think I was using our friendship for advantage. However, if the person were on my Facebook friend list, but not a very close friend, then I might ask anyway.

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Yes I would ask my friend to like my facebook page. its the facebook marketing trick. if he/she likes your page than all of his/her friends will see you page in their news feed and it will spread.. asking friends to like your new page help getting bigger fast.

-Bajra Team

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yes this is right way to get real like.

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For those who are not interested in your stuff it's waste and annoying for your friends, only ask them to like the pages on their niche. They do more better and read your pages daily if they like it!

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Be thoughtful when asking others to like your page. If that person has not expressed a clear interest in your niche before then don't waste his or her time. For instance, if your best friend is into cars, don't ask him to like your page about SEO tips as he might not even know what that is related to. Friendship only goes so far on Facebook, don't push the limits.

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I don't mind doing a favor for a friend who wants me to like the page as they most likely did the same thing for me when I started my own Facebook fan page. So in a way it's a friendly like exchange between friends. And, so long as you are not pressuring or manipulating friends to give likes, then your friendships should stay intact.

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I don't ask my close friends to like my page, only strangers, I do ask them and they are very kind, friendly to like my page. I also like them back.

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There's nothing annoying about asking your friends to like your page. what are friends for, if they can't assist a friend to like the page.

I do tell me friends help me like my Facebook fanpage and I don't see anything wrong in that.

What is it annoying to you, is it when only friends are asked to like the page?

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It is a coincidence that yesterday my nephew sent me a private message on Facebook. He was asking me to like the page of a friend. My husband was also a recipient. And his comment to the request – another one like that and my husband would block my nephew in the Facebook messenger. Clearly, it is annoying to solicit likes for a page. A simple request to like or to share is really annoying sometimes because it is like telling you to do an errand. But you can have it by being creative. What if your message says something interesting about the page and you have a big question that you cannot answer. That may stir interest and the receiver of the message will react favorably.

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