
Link Popularity?

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Link Popularity?

please tell me what is a Link Popularity?


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Link popularity is a term that refers to how many other links point towards a particular website. The term link popularity also has two different forms, Internal and External, which refer to the links coming from the websites own web pages and from other websites. Internal link popularity means the number of links to the website from web pages that belong to the particular website.

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Yes, you right jaysh4922 and am agree with your comment. Link Popularity means a particular link has how many links from outside or inside the website.

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Link popularity is used to describe the value of a website based on the quantity and quality of backlinks pointing to it.

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This is new to me and I have never heard of the link popularity yet. I know that a website can have its reference from the inner pages particularly the home page that is imperative to have a link on all the web pages so that the visitor can always go back to the home page on just one click. If that is the case then the most popular link is the link of the home page. Am I right on my assumption?

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