
search engine marketing

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search engine marketing

what is the main part of search engine marketing, please share some informative tips ?


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It is the techniques of getting traffic or visibility on search engine. It is a part of internet marketing.Pay per Click and Cost Per Click are part of Search engine marketing.

These are several tools for SEM

Google AdWords Keyword Tool
SEO Book Keyword Tool
Google Traffic Estimator
Microsoft Ad Intelligence

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“Search Engine Marketing,” SEM is usually used to describe the immediate, money-backed portion of search engine marketing that commonly takes the shape of PPC (pay-per-click)/CPC (cost-per-click) search engine results page ads in one form or another.

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High Quality content: Content is still king. But no copy-paste content and no content to feed search bot. Content must be of high quality to serve the need of the visitors. Content of 1000+ words works best.

Optimized for mobile: Number of mobile internet users is more than PC internet users. Therefore you must think for them before lunching your new website or blog. It is the most important Google ranking factor from this year.

Loading speed: Do you want to waste you valuable time by watching “loading…………loading……….loading …………” sign in your browser. Definitely not, so you have no right to waste your visitor’s time as well. Slow sites are constantly losing their ranking position. Therefore get a better server to host your site for better loading speed. Server response time must be within 1 second for better SEO ranking.

Social signals: Some people says social signals are not SEO factor. Let me explain, Google wants to rank contents that are helpful for visitors. Web visitors are more likely to share contents/links via social networks that they found interesting or got help from that. It means social shares/signals are sign of better user experience. User experience is the core factor that Google gives much value. Therefore social signals are also great ranking factors from my point of view.

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With the assistance of Search Engine Marketing, you reach and move directly with purchasers and audience. Search Engine Marketing increases the traffic for your website. Now a day’s social media is very helpful.

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Number of mobile internet users is more than PC internet users. Therefore you must think for them before lunching your new website or blog. It is the most important Google ranking factor from this year.

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Got It..........

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SEM is a type of Internet marketing associated with the investigating, submitting and situating of a site inside of internet searchers to accomplish greatest perceptibility and build your offer of paid and/or natural activity referrals from web crawlers

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search engine marketing is search engine that used for marketing issues and stuffs that mean build backlinks rank website ext..

I am really confused about your comment... Then what's the difference betweetn SEM and SEO! ;)

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Search Engine Marketing means marketing your websites, products and services on search engines in order to generate traffic or sales. If you optimize your contents for search engine, you will generate organic traffic. However, it may take months for search engines to rank your website. You cannot simply wait for search engines to pick your website, producst and services, you will have to market on search engines. You can maarket on search engines through theri advertising partners. For example to market your websites, products and services on Google, you will have to join Adword. When you join adword and launch your ad, Google will place your ads on the result page as well as on the websites that are displaying google ads.

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I am not sure if promoting your business interest in social media and other venue in the internet can be considered search engine marketing. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard of it. So maybe we can relate to the list of hotels because that’s what I always do when we travel. If your business is hotel, you are marketing in the search engines because traffic usually comes from the searches. And if that is so then you have to build the SEO capability of your website so your backlink can land on a good position in the search list results.

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Search Engine Marketing or SEM is usually tied-up with PPC or Pay Per Click. It's basically getting noticed by Google thereby sending more Google traffic to your site.

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