
What is difference between on-page or off-page

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What is difference between on-page or off-page

What is difference between on-page or off-page


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i think on-pages means when we work on my own website, and off-pages means when we do link getting methods.

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On page : is the process of optimization a website which includes on site work as writing content, title, description, Alt tag, Meta tags can be indexed and crawled be search engine properly.

Off page method include various method of seo including Blog comment, Directory Submission, Social bookmarking, Press release, Article submission, Forum Posting and forum Profile.

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on page- what you do on your posts and content pages

Off page-blog authority,blog commenting and others

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On page SEO includes things like keywords, meta tags, title tags etc which you perform on our site to rank higher in search engine results.on page optimization helps in improving the web page to a great extent and this in turn produces extremely positive results for your website.

Off page search engine optimization consists in optimizing all the factors not dependent on a page that are important for search engine visibility..

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By on page optimization, er send strong signal to SE about web page by add various kind of meta tag, robots.txt fie, sitemap.xml file, canonical issue, improve page load speed etc.
Off page optimization is used for generate back links by various kind of link building method.

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In Onpage Optimization we have to make changes in website code by adding meta tags.
In Offpage Optimization we have to create links to our website through different sites.

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On-Site SEO

This refers to all the things you can do to and throughout your website to ensure that the website home page ranks highly in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

On-Page SEO

Similarly, this refers to what you can do to individual web pages or blog posts on your website or blog respectively to get those individual pages or posts to rank highly in the search engines.

Off-Page SEO
Off-site SEO is concerned with all the things that can be done on other websites to help your site or blog home page rank well in all the search engines, with the focus as always on Google.

Off-Page SEO

This is basically the same as off-site SEO and has the same purpose, but at the page or post level. Do this to get your individual pages and posts to rank well on their own in Google et al. Also by doing off-page SEO you will be helping the overall ranking of your site as well.

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SEO has traditionally divided into two main areas; on-page optimization where everything is done on the pages of the website itself, and off-page optimization which covers activity that takes place elsewhere.
Hi! I do hope this one helps. Let's sum it up here.
What is difference between on-page or off-page

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What is difference between on-page or off-page

on-page seo mean site design and off-page mean site sharing for traffic.

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On-page optimization as the name implies, is the optimization that you do within your page. Example of on-page optimization are; html coding, meta tags and descriptions, alt and title tags for images, robot.txt file and many more.

Off-page optimization is something where you use external links to optimize your website. Example of off-page are link building, social media and content marketing, guest posting, etc.

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On page Optimization means the process of preparing website pages search engine friendly. On page optimization is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds as Google crawls in to check all the availabilities of a site.

Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page. Off page SEO gives them a very good indication on how the World perceives the particular website.

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On-Page Optimization (SEO)

SEO has traditionally divided into two main areas; on-page optimisation which covers what can be done on the pages of the website itself, and off-page optimisation which covers activity that takes place elsewhere (e.g. link-building).

The most effective strategy in 2014-2015 however (social media powered SEO) requires an integrated approach, with on-page content promoted off-page within the main social media channels. Please click on the following link to find out more about social media SEO - the future proofed SEO strategy that delivers outstanding results now.

Alternatively, click here to understand more about how off-page SEO has had to adapt to changes in the search engines’ algorithms to remain effective in 2014-2015.

Finally, if you are more interested in on-page SEO, we should probably warn you that, although it’s still very important to optimise on-page factors, it’s extremely unlikely to work on its own unless your market is particularly niche. Please read on for:

  • A checklist outlining the key areas to consider when reviewing on-page SEO.
  • A list of common mistakes to look out for with regard to on-page SEO.
  • A list of old-school SEO (‘spammy’) on-page tactics that the search engines are now able to recognise (and punish accordingly).

On-Page SEO Checklist:
  • Always start with keyword selection, research and testing
  • Meta Description tag
  • ALT tags
  • H1 tags
  • URL structure
  • Internal linking strategy
  • Content
  • Keyword density
  • Site maps, both XML and user facing
  • Usability and accessibility
  • Track target keywords

Avoid common on-page SEO mistakes such as:
  • Duplicate content
  • URL variants of the same pages
  • Off-site images and content on-site
  • Duplicate title tags

Avoid spammy SEO tactics such as:
  • Hidden text
  • Hidden links
  • Keyword repetition
  • Doorway pages
  • Mirror pages
  • Cloaking

Off-Page Optimization (SEO)

Defined: Off-page optimisation (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the pages of a website to maximise its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content and keywords in off-page direct-links.

Off-Page SEO Checklist:
  • Always start with keyword research, testing and selection
  • Use Keywords in link anchor text
  • Obtain links from high ranking publisher sites
  • One-way inbound links (not link exchange or reciprocal links)
  • Different keywords in your link-ads from the same site
  • Gradual link building technology (no growth spikes)
  • Use relevant keywords near your inbound link (contextual relevance)
  • Deep linking (from multiple pages to multiple pages)
  • Target a large list of keywords (5-500+)
  • Link from sites with a variety of LinkRanks
  • Track all active keywords and refine strategy as required
  • Discontinue campaigns if ranking does not improve
  • Expect results in 1-2 months (Bing) 1-9 months (Google, Yahoo)

Avoid common off-page SEO mistakes:
  • Duplicate keywords in link avderts
  • Site-wide links causing link growth spikes
  • Using on-page SEOs to do the work of specialist off-page SEO's
  • Placing random links without keywords near your link adverts

Do not use off-page SEO spamming tactics such as:
  • Link farms (sites with 100+ outbound links per page)
  • Using irrelevant keywords in your link-ads
  • Garbage links
  • Link churning
  • Hidden inbound links

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On-Page SEO is the SEO on your actual page or blog. One of the most popular ways that search engines worldwide tend to rank websites is by looking for the prominence and frequency of certain keywords and phrases on various facets of your site, and assigning an appropriate degree of weight accordingly.
Off-Page SEO is the use of keywords off your site. Search engines use mentions of your site, business name, and keywords used on other places across the web in order to determine your ranking in their results. Great ways to optimize your off-page SEO value on your own include setting up social media accounts on popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ so that interested parties can follow you and share your posts.

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On page is all about including seo -friendly elements in the websites,changing its description,style,headings,using keywords in headings,keyword density,keyword prominency,meta tags,title tags,verification codes,analytics code etc.
Off page includes th epromotion of website by blogs,articles,ppts,videos and on social medis.It also include the submissions and verifications on search engines.Blog commenting,forum posting ,press release is also a part of this.

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On page- On-Page SEO is the SEO on your actual page or blog. On Page Optimization is the activity that is done on the page for search engine ranking like using alt tags, keywords is meta tag, tool tip and proximity, keyword-density, proper usage of keywords in heading tags.

Off page- Off-Page SEO is the use of keywords off your site. Off Page Optimization is the activity that is done on other sites for our site to increase search engine ranking. Off Page Optimization activities include directory submission, article submission, forum discussion, blog posting, press release, blog commenting, white paper submission and along with this social bookmarking (in digg, delicious, reddit, stumbleupon) and social media promotion (in facebook, twitter, linkedin). Off page optimization creates strong back links for our site which not only helps for search engine ranking but also for drive traffic.

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On-Page SEO is the SEO on your actual page or blog. One of the most popular ways that search engines worldwide tend to rank websites is by looking for the prominence and frequency of certain keywords and phrases on various facets of your site, and assigning an appropriate degree of weight accordingly.
Off-Page SEO is the use of keywords off your site. Search engines use mentions of your site, business name, and keywords used on other places across the web in order to determine your ranking in their results. Great ways to optimize your off-page SEO value on your own include setting up social media accounts on popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ so that interested parties can follow you and share your posts.

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I want to thank the comments above for the information that they shared. Where before the on-page and off-page SEO methods were vague to me but now they are getting clearer. As I see it, website owners can do their own SEO work if they have the time and perseverance to do the chore regularly. It just takes a little time every day and a lot of perseverance in roaming around the internet to spread your backlinks and also in writing new contents for the web page.

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