
5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

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5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

1. Gina Trapani

=13px%Alexa Rank: 625
=13px%Niche: Self-improvement

=13px%5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

=13px%The lady who has made it to the top 10 richest bloggers of the world is the owner of Life hacker. The site has always been an inspiration for me where the main focus is given to how actually one can improve his personality. Gina is an active social blogger and the founding editor of her blog. She earns about $110,000 a month with her blogging skills.

2. Rita McGrath
=13px%Blog: Harvard Business Review Blog Network
=13px%Alexa Rank: 4068
=13px%Niche: Marketing
5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

=13px%Rita started her blog in 1994 as a not-for-profit blog with an aim of improving the practice of management and its impact in the changing world. Although initially the blog focused on Hardvard University only, now the blog has turned into an organization where there are 30 employees, having offices in New York City, India and UK.

3. Ree Drummond

=13px%Blog: The Pioneer Woman
=13px%Alexa Rank: 7,645
=13px%Niche: Food
=13px%5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

=13px%When it comes to mixing some ingredients and making the best out of it, the Pioneer woman has no comparisons. Whether you are a housewife or a business woman, your interest in cooking is something most evident. Ree Drummond provides all what you might be looking for in food on her blog which is widely followed across the globe.

=13px%4. Heather & Jessica
=13px%Blog: Go Fug Yourself
Alexa Rank: 18,000
Niche: Fashion and Style
5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

=13px%Heather & Jessica have been keeping an eagle’s eye on every move taken in the fashion industry to share it all with their readers. A good site to follow.
=13px%5. Jenny Lawson
=13px%Blog: The Bloggess
Alexa Rank: 28,433
Niche: Humor
5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

If you are looking for some great fun to laugh on, you must visit Jenny’s blog. The blog contains every aspect of life, giving it a new touch, making it hilarious. The site has a relatively good traffic rank in the cities of Hartford and Washington (DC).

Hope you all like this Thread 5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013
- Sunil Bishnoi


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Thanks to share a very good information with us.

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Thanks for sharing, it was knowledgeable for me.

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Nice post. I love the Pioneer woman!

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Great post.Thank you for taking the time to posting this information.Very helpful...!

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Thanks for this. I have never heard of any of them but will be sure to check them out.

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I know all of these ladies and they all do wonderful work on their blogs.

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Interesting. But how do you know that these are top 5? I mean did you got this information from reliable source?

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It seams they have enthusiasm, positive attitude and ideas in common?

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I love Gina. she has some of the best ways to really improve your life.

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This is a great group of ladies right here. I have been to 4 of the 5 blogs.

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It seams they have enthusiasm, positive attitude and ideas in common?

I don't think there ideas are common. Otherwise they would have blog on same niche 5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

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So I did check them out and yes they are all great and successful. I do too love Pioneer woman!

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I have been to lifehacker several times and really do recommend it.

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I do not visit blogs too much but these look like they are rather successful and some good ones to check out.

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I have checked them all out and yes wonderful sites. I see why they are now the best bloggers for females.

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Great list you have provided us Sunil5 Most Popular Female Bloggers of 2013

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Did you know that Pioneer woman also has her own show on tv?

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Did you know that Pioneer woman also has her own show on tv?

Yes I love watching it. I watched it the other day and she was making a birthday meal for her hubby.

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how much they earn any idea?

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