
When did you first use search?

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When did you first use search?

Talk to me about the first time you used search and whether or not you were happy with the search engine then. Is it still your favorite search engine to use?


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i used Google search engine almost 5 years ago. On that time, i am just thinking about searching not Google. Basically, most of the time i used yahoo before Google.

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I began using internet in 2001. I did not have internet in my home, therefore, I had to go to internet cafe in order to use internet. The dial up was very slow and was also very costly. Therefore, I had to stop using the internet (I was a student and did not have enough money to use internet. When the price decreased, I began using internet, it was in 2003. I had a hotmail account and used MSN search. Later, I discovered Yahoo and found it to be better than MSN. I created my gmail in 2006 and the gmail also introduced me to Google search

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If I remember correctly, I was using Microsoft’s search engine that was connected to Hotmail. And when I switched to which was my search engine for more than a year. When Google became popular, it was recommended to me by a colleague and it took maybe a few months before I shifted to Google. What prompted me to the shift was the relevance of the search list contents to my search. For example, I will be searching dog breeds, I find Google’s search list more relevant than the search list of other search engines.

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