
how to verify analytics code?

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how to verify analytics code?

I have verified my analytics code before but I have changed theme and so my analytic code don't work anymore. How can I make it work? I have already paste the code in my <head> code </head> and I'm not sure if it needs verification still as I can't find the verification button.

how to verify analytics code?

here is the code but I can't find the button to verify it.

how to verify analytics code?

is there anyway to verify this?


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You have to re enter your website url in the google analytic and get the code again.

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You have to re enter your website url in the google analytic and get the code again.

I need to reenter? Why is that when its the same site with same url. I didn't re-enter the codes to some of my site when I migrated them to this new server that I have. The thing is that if I do re-enter it then it would have two profiles.

Any other suggestions?

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I would also suggest you same strategy that enter your web url again in URL box and verify again the code which will be generated to verify.

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Tommy Matalino
Add that code again and wait for Analytics to verify the site itself.

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