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Google offers a lot of really great services you can use for every facet of your life.
One of my new favorites is Google Docs. This past week, I was working on a really HUGE work project and lost a spreadsheet file related to my work.
I had been using Open Office Document to work on the file and it became corrupted and took all my work with it. It was a definite face palm moment.
I thought the document was gone forever, but when I checked online, I found a copy of the file had been saved online at Google docs. I had originally saved the file on my computer in the Google Drive folder and though it was not stored as a Google Sheets file, it still saved and uploaded as a read only copy to the web.
I was able to regain my entire work file and turn in my work with proof on time. For that reason alone, Google is my favorite
It's not uncommon for files to become corrupted or to be unusable in some way. That's why it's good to save a file as a new name every day. That way you will only lose that one day's worth of work. And yet, it's good that you were able to recover your work file. Accidents happen, especially with software like Open Office. I've had problems using that software too. I'll try out Google Docs and Google Sheets to see if it's comparable. Sounds like something I would want to use.
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