
How did Google get so big?

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How did Google get so big?

Google started out as a search engine, but now the company is associated with almost every type of website and service including free email, video uploading/Youtube, mobile, social networking, etc.

How did Google grow from such humble beginnings as a search engine to the multi-conglomerate they are today?


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Google has always been good about swallowing up smaller companies, such as Youtube and then making them big. Also, they put a lot of money into original projects and develop other people's ideas to greater heights. Deep pockets help fund all this brilliant innovation.

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As for all those add on services, they came out much later and were a product of Google trying to become the one stop shop for consumers. And, right now, Google is as close as they have ever been on that goal.

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Deep pockets help fund all this brilliant innovation.

As well as spectacular failures! But, then again, it takes many failures before you can learn to walk and maybe Google has 'learned to walk' finally with Google+ and it's current collection of free consumer related services such as Gmail and Youtube.

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I am not sure maybe because so many people like google...although I have heard a lot of complaints about it as well.

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I am not sure maybe because so many people like google...although I have heard a lot of complaints about it as well.

Yes, they have committed many privacy violations. It has been said that if you type something into the search bar and then back space without hitting enter, your search term is sent to Google for use/analysis (such as for ad targeting). I think that verges on creepy intrusion. If I have not clicked the send button I don't feel like the info should belong to Google.

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Google poses as your friend online and yet they take such great liberties with your privacy. You have to decide if you will accept these privacy intrusions or if you will insist upon an intrusive-free experience when it comes to your search experience.

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Google had a toolbar for a very long time. That goes back to the old days. You can find out more information if you research online, which is what I did. Their toolbar had a page rank checker and many other good features. Also Google search was default search for the toolbar. That's how Google search got so big.

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Don’t laugh but my take on the status of Google now is luck. Google had been so lucky to have established itself as the fastest gun in the west, so to speak. But ask any user who regularly does a search, it is not the speed of searching that matters but the relevance of the search list. In that department, I guess the other search engines should focus on so they can have a good fighting chance with Google.

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