
Is Google just a copycat?

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Is Google just a copycat?

Have you ever noticed how Google copies every little trend and fad? Yahoo was the best search engine, Google over powered them. Yahoo had the best email, Google came out with Gmail. Skype had the best chat/voice system, so Google came out with Google chat (their own version of voice/chat). Facebook was/is the best social networking site, now Google has Google +

Why is Google always copying others?


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Yeah. They even copied searching Is Google just a copycat?

Not to mention they scrape our sites and use our content as theirs even in searching.

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They are simply following the trends and making more money where they can. Their is no laws to prevent monopolizing internet services. They go deaper than that as well, here is a small list of extras they currently own and run:
Pyra Labs-Blogger
Neotonic Software-for CRM
Applied Semantics-for search
Kaltix Corp-for context sensitve search
Genius Labs-for blogging
Ignite Logic-web templates for law firms
Picassa-digi photo management
Keyhole Group-digital mapping
Where 2 Technologies-digital mapping
ZipDash-maps and traffic for mobile devices
2Web Technologies-spreadsheets
Dodgeball-mobile social networking
Reqwireless Inc.-Java browser
Current Communications Group-broadband internet
Android-software for mobile phone o/s
Transformic Inc-search engine for deep/invisible web
Skia-graphics software engineering
DMarc Broadcasting-digital radio broadcasting
Measure Map-analytics for blogs
Upstartle-Writely, document editor for the web
@Last Software-SketchUp 3D modeling
Orion-Referral search engine
Neven Vision-automatic information extraction from jpgs
Jotspot Ind-wiki platform for websites
YouTube-online video company
Endoxen-geomapping software
Xunlei-filesharing app for the web
Adscape Media-in-game advertising
Gapminder's Trendalyzer-presentation software
Doubleclick-ad platform for the web
Tonic Systems-document conversion technology
Marratech-video conferencing technology
Green Border Technologies-secure web browsing tech
Panoramio-photo site sharing for Google Earth
Feedbumer-RSS feed distribution analytics and management
GrandCentral-mobile voice management
Postini-communications security and compliance

Soon, they will own the world!

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I think it’s not really being a copycat but Google is aiming for domination. Their motto is something like if they can do it then we can do it better. And they are proving that since you have mentioned Googles taking over the number 1 spot in search engines. But they did that with hard work and maybe a little luck. With other industries like the video chat facility, again it is hard work on their part. Google’s competition with other companies produce better results for the public’s benefit. And I like that.

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Yea, I totally agree with you.Google is like those people that wait for one to invent anything and what they do is to work on your mistakes to capitalize on it to dominate you.They don't just want to compete with you but dominate.But on the flip side I just love google products, it should be done in such a way that one gets addicted to it, it excellently done with no defect for another to point out or try to work on it.This is to say whatever one invent he or she should always upgrade to meet times, trends and fads.

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