
What is Bing Social Search?

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What is Bing Social Search?

Whenever I go to Bing, they try to include Social Search results. Can someone please explain what Social search is and how it affects my search results from Bing?


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This video on Bing Social Search explains the connection between Bing Search and Facebook. Essentially, Social Search is a partnership between Bing and Facebook. And, when you search on Bing you will see Social Search results (assuming you are signed into Facebook), with recommendations from your Facebook friends. So if a friend on Facebook has liked something, this will be included in your results.

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Google has a similar feature with circles where friend results are included. Not sure who had the idea for social based search first.

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Ohh, i did not know such. Thank you for #Beverly.

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Its basically a partnership between bing and facebook.

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