
Bing and Facebook

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Bing and Facebook

Have you noticed how you can sign into Facebook and get socially relevant results in your Bing search engine results side bar? Or, at least you can find out which ones of your friends are talking about what you are looking for. The theory being, maybe they have an answer to your question.

Today I tried out this feature and it seems similar to Google's social search results which are based on your Google + circles. Obviously, the two sites are copying each other.

I like the "ask friend's" search bar. Also, I wish they'd quoted something from a friend's post at the top (or side bar) of search results (like you would find with Google, when signed in).

But all that was listed were friends who 'liked' that topic on Facebook or talked about it.

Have you used this feature where you connect your Facebook to Bing to enrich your search experience?


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And, more recently Google also adopted social search. Now, they integrate results from your circles on Google+. Though I don't think they are allowed to do the same for Facebook.

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If Bing and Facebook are in connivance against Google Plus then that is a good competition for us because I prefer to be that way instead of one site with a monopoly. Right now Facebook seems to monopolize the social media because it is the biggest in terms of users but Google is the biggest search engines. Do you think it is good if those 2 giants will clash and give us innovations to their services?

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compare to bing facebook is good.

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I think integrating with social networks is a very smart move for search engines. If your friend recommends it, it might be worth looking into.

People will game this though Bing and Facebook

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I didn't notice that .Nice catch. I will see.

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I never noticed that either. Never really used bing much though.

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Facebook and Bing Partnership will be using a gazillion "like" data points to enhance your searches with stuff that your friends on Facebook ...

Ephhan Sharding
digital media player

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Nope did not know that either. The things that you find out on these forums are pretty cool though.

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This is one of the bad feature in facebook. I mean I don't see relevant results when I try to search somebody on facebook.

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This is one of the bad feature in facebook. I mean I don't see relevant results when I try to search somebody on facebook.

It could be because you are not entering right terms/keywords. Also, another reason could be that the person you are looking for has made his/her profile hidden from strangers.

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If your suspicion that Bing and Facebook has a sort of partnership regarding the users of Facebook that gets a priority in Bing then I think that is a good sign for competition against the Google and Google+. For me, monopoly is not good and it is better to have many competitors than just one. But at least there is a budding competition between Google and Bing.

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