Maybe you do not understand the mechanics of the page rank. Google has designed the page rank for the purpose of assisting the crawlers in checking the sites. A page rank with a 1 is the highest and the lowest ranked site is with a page rank of 9. Therefore you can surmise that your page rank of 1 is the highest. I’m sure you will be glad. But before you jump with joy let me tell you that the page rank is not being used by Google anymore.Maybe you do not understand the mechanics of the page rank. Google has designed the page rank for the purpose of assisting the crawlers in checking the sites. A page rank with a 1 is the highest and the lowest ranked site is with a page rank of 9. Therefore you can surmise that your page rank of 1 is the highest. I’m sure you will be glad. But before you jump with joy let me tell you that the page rank is not being used by Google anymore.
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