
Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

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Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

We are considering the first SEOClerks $1,000 affiliate contest. As a participant you would be competing with other members based on affiliate sales. The person with the most sales during a given period would win the grand prize!

The details are still not defined but we want to know if there is enough interest from our members to launch such a grand contest, the first SEOClerks contest. Cast your vote here, let us know if you would participate. Not interested? No need to reply/cast a vote.


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Maybe offer some smaller prizes so more people have a chance at winning.

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Probably Yes, but to be able to say for sure you have to give more info about this contest, because most of the people who will say yes to your poll will be thinking about the prize, we need to know the requirements as well.

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Maybe offer some smaller prizes so more people have a chance at winning.

There will be multiple winners although only one grand winner.

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Probably Yes, but to be able to say for sure you have to give more info about this contest, because most of the people who will say yes to your poll will be thinking about the prize, we need to know the requirements as well.

Requirements will be simple, whoever can generate the most affiliate sales (measured by total cash amount purchased) for a given period.

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Very, very OK

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This would be an amazing contest mate. Go for it Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

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I am fairly new to SEOclerks been a member for only 1 month, during this month I managed to get 89 referrals and they bought 140$ worth of gigs so I am definetly intersted

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What's the time period? when it will be expire?

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Perhaps post up some of the Leading Affiliate Stats as they stand right now so people can get an idea of what they're competing up against..?

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Stats will be reset for the contest, everyone will start at $0. If it is successful, it will be an ongoing thing (perhaps every month).

There will be a public listing of the top 10 or 20 winners so everyone can see where everyone else stands.

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You guys tell us. We can make it public so you can see or we can leave it blank or we can make it semi-public (IE: not showing exact numbers but giving indicators such as "1st place with $x,xxx in sales").

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With all the other people participating the chances of winning are very small. The odds are not worth participating in my opinion so I probably wont

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If buyer spend a part of coupon, a part of their money, will it count or disqualify?

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I'm definitely interested in this. It would be a huge motivator for me.

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I will do everything what i can ..

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I´m in!

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Let me participate to this contest.

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We are considering the first SEOClerks $1,000 affiliate contest. As a participant you would be competing with other members based on affiliate sales. The person with the most sales during a given period would win the grand prize!
The details are still not defined but we want to know if there is enough interest from our members to launch such a grand contest, the first SEOClerks contest. Cast your vote here, let us know if you would participate. Not interested? No need to reply/cast a vote.

I just have few questions and I hope this will help us to list the guidelines for this contest. Although I'm not good at this, I'd try this time to challenge myself. Hope to win too Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

is the winning base on worth of his sales or the number of sales?
Are contestant required to create a site/page?
And would it be a better if we all agree on which product/gig to sell?

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I Would never take part of these contents. These are not fair. Why to give money to people who get many sales?...
Seriously is like Robin Hood , you give money to rich people.

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I am interested

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I Would never take part of these contents. These are not fair. Why to give money to people who get many sales?...
Seriously is like Robin Hood , you give money to rich people.

LOL , this is a verry good marketing idea, there are a lot of people who have lots of referrals and sales, so why not revard them if they do a good job. you will not take part in this contest because you are not willing to invest to get some referrals

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my opinion is that this award should be divided into more competitors
be 3 were 5 prizes.

We will have at least first through third and possibly more winners.

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I just have few questions and I hope this will help us to list the guidelines for this contest. Although I'm not good at this, I'd try this time to challenge myself. Hope to win too Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

is the winning base on worth of his sales or the number of sales?
Are contestant required to create a site/page?
And would it be a better if we all agree on which product/gig to sell?

Answers to your questions in order:
  • Worth of Sales
  • No although you can
  • Any product/service that you like, however, being based on worth it may be better to sell higher priced gigs.

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LOL , this is a verry good marketing idea, there are a lot of people who have lots of referrals and sales, so why not revard them if they do a good job. you will not take part in this contest because you are not willing to invest to get some referrals

In addition to this excellent answer, a contest such as this rewards you even if you lose. You'll still have all the affiliates you generate and they will remain under you for life. You'll always have a passive income from them as long as they continue to order.

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Will there be set a min sales cap for members based on how old is their account?
1 year old member min sales 100$/30days
6 months old member min sales 75$/30days and so on...
This could be done so new members have also a chance to win because once the contest starts senior members will dominate the contest, this could impact the credibility of the contest if the same group of persons win the contest over and over again

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I'm not sure I understand. Can you elaborate? I don't understand why a new member would have a disadvantage against older members.

Regarding existing affiliates to a user:
Everyone will start from the same point meaning existing affiliate member sales (affiliate connections made before the contest) will not count.

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The older sales wount count but the referral numbers will, as older an account is the more referrals they have (theoretically)
So a senior member could have 100 referrals with an avg 50$ sales/mo , a new member has none but they bouth start the contest at the same time...the senior with 100 reffs, the noob with 0
New members clearly can't compete with senior members who already have 100's of referrals

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I would even appreciate if you could cut down SEO commission for those who participate in this contest.After all are benefited mutually.thank you

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i will do anything for $ 1000 Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

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The older sales wount count but the referral numbers will, as older an account is the more referrals they have (theoretically)
So a senior member could have 100 referrals with an avg 50$ sales/mo , a new member has none but they bouth start the contest at the same time...the senior with 100 reffs, the noob with 0
New members clearly can't compete with senior members who already have 100's of referrals

That is what I was saying above, any affiliate you have prior to the contest launching will not count. Their purchases after the contest starts will not be counted towards the contest thus making everyone starting at the same point.

Using your example above, the 100 referrals from the aged member would be disregarded thus making them at the same level as the noob: 0.

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I would even appreciate if you could cut down SEO commission for those who participate in this contest.After all are benefited mutually.thank you

By competing in this competition generating affiliates, you'll already earn 10% of the sale. SEOClerks only makes 20% of a sale so automatically you make 50% of our profits. If you factor in the fees we pay for both inbound and outbound purchase you are looking at SEOClerks earning only 5%... and we have to run SEOClerks (helpdesk, staff, etc) so any kind of commission reduction is out of the question and isn't even logical from a business standpoint.

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i will do anything for $ 1000 Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

hah! Thats the spirit! Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

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hah! Thats the spirit! Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

You didn't reply my post...
i asked if buyer spend a part of coupon, a part of their money, will it count or disqualify?

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Sorry, must have missed it. Any website admin that is receiving free coupons for their site members will be disqualified from the contest as this is an unfair advantage. However, if a buyer uses a coupon to purchase a gig and is your affiliate, this will count in full towards your earnings.

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I would defonettly take part Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?
Even if i dont win, i will still have the referrals that i got to sign up to trying to win Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

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Definitely! Why not, probably wont win but its well worth the try! Everything is possible!

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How long will the contest last? I will probably post a gig thats easy to accomplish and cheaper. Or is it also allowed to sell someone else gig using our affiliate link? I believe theres an option about this.

Sorry, must have missed it. Any website admin that is receiving free coupons for their site members will be disqualified from the contest as this is an unfair advantage. However, if a buyer uses a coupon to purchase a gig and is your affiliate, this will count in full towards your earnings.

That is something not easy to find out.

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I will do insha allah

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How long will the contest last? I will probably post a gig thats easy to accomplish and cheaper. Or is it also allowed to sell someone else gig using our affiliate link? I believe theres an option about this.

That is something not easy to find out.

Probably 1 month or more. You can promote anything. SEOClerks main site, someones service, your service (note you do not earn affiliate earnings for selling your own service although this may be lifted for the contest).

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Make it Speedy.
I will try to catch the price. Would it be only for sale? or buy or buying specific GIGs (Participated GIGs) would count?
Buying GIG is the sale of GIG or this is only for GIG sellers?
I think it also would make sense to drawn in such while buying participated GIGs for buyers and not the sellers.


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Agree, make it Speedy for buyers and not sellers, because I am a GIG buyer and not GIG seller.

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Agree 2, Speedy 2, for buyers 2 (I guess on participated GIGs)


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You guys tell us. We can make it public so you can see or we can leave it blank or we can make it semi-public (IE: not showing exact numbers but giving indicators such as "1st place with $x,xxx in sales").

When does it begin?

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good idea...but what abot if the price is devided into 3 winners (???...)

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We are setting up a campaign to get this contest started so maybe in 2 weeks it will begin. We had to make sure there was interest in it.

Price will be divided into more than 3 winners, however, the 1st prize will be $1,000. Probably give 2nd $500 and 3rd-6th $50. 7th-10 $25. These are set in stone yet so don't quote me on them. Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

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Sounds really interesting even though we need some excellent skills to advertise our affiliate link.

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I will try my best to win this contest. Please keep me updated. I hv got 11 affiliate members. Fingures crossed.

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We are considering the first SEOClerks $1,000 affiliate contest. As a participant you would be competing with other members based on affiliate sales. The person with the most sales during a given period would win the grand prize!

The details are still not defined but we want to know if there is enough interest from our members to launch such a grand contest, the first SEOClerks contest. Cast your vote here, let us know if you would participate. Not interested? No need to reply/cast a vote.

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i would love to will that will help me allot

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Yup i am interested I already 40 affiliates Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest? Will work hard to win

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Maybe is maybe

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lol, if you live near us we can take you out for Pizza and beer. ;)

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Okay so I'd join. If I can get to the top 10, I can still receive $25 apart from those earnings I got through the sales right?
This is think is the best time to actually learn how to make a sale and be a smart sales person over the net.

Maybe it will motivate us more if you guys can provide tips to make a sale Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest?

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By competing in this competition generating affiliates, you'll already earn 10% of the sale. SEOClerks only makes 20% of a sale so automatically you make 50% of our profits. If you factor in the fees we pay for both inbound and outbound purchase you are looking at SEOClerks earning only 5%... and we have to run SEOClerks (helpdesk, staff, etc) so any kind of commission reduction is out of the question and isn't even logical from a business standpoint.

That's sound so great as well. I would appreciate your justification to stick with your business principles.It was just sparking me to bring some cool benefits to participants.However your offer is still great and legitimate I ever agree and cheer up.Thanks

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Really i am interested .But i want to know how the competition..

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if it begins ?? tell me please Are you interested in participating in a $1,000 affiliate contest? because it was too long

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I was going to participate in this contest until i saw rule number 6, so i don't win anything even if i was number 1 in this contest, simply because Seoclerks revenue didn't reach $10,000.

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Rule #6 isn't per person, it is total. I expect we will reach this as a community in about 10-15 days.

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Rule #6 isn't per person, it is total. I expect we will reach this as a community in about 10-15 days.

I know this isn't per user but still a lot to accomplish in 58 days and i see that you increased the contest time limit so maybe you agree with me.

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No, the end date has always been 12-12-2012.

With 211 people who voted they would participate, each person only needs to make $50 in affiliate sales in 58 days to pass this easy goal. I'm sure some contestants will generate thousands in sales.

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