
Do you write with pen and paper?

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Do you write with pen and paper?

I've been writing online for years in various formats, including article sites, blogs and forums, so my hands are accustomed to using the keyboard.

Now, I feel more comfortable working on the computer than writing with pen and paper.


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I write to a pen pal on occasion, but not enough to really say. That's one unfortunate thing with technology... The constant loss of actual writing skills. Even in schools it's more about computers, and typing than handwriting. Who needs to learn how to spell, when there is spell check, right?

As great as all the advancements of technology are... It's societies downfall, as we become more reliant on it for it's convenience, and it does all the "thinking" work for us.

What's 12 x 12? Oh I'll get the

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Yes, technology had downgraded our physical movement. Nobody is willing to hold onto a pen or paper anymore since smartphone allows you to write with your fingertip. People are getting lazy with writing. Even folks are using recorded voice to send messages through smartphone!

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The only time I write with a pen is when it's rent time and then I write out a check for the landlord. But other than that, everything is done with an iPhone, iPad, or computer. An occasional signature might be required on a piece of paper but that's also rare.

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At times, I feel more at ease with my pen and journal than even my laptop as I can take it with me, tucked into a pocket. I might not want to take my laptop everywhere as it would only encourage me to unplug from my surroundings and put my head back into the computer. And, doesn't that defeat the purpose of getting up from the computer and taking time away for a real life?

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If I'm going to the store I might write a grocery list on paper but it's not like I'm going to compose an article with pen and paper as there are computer programs that can help you do this more efficiently.

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Though I don't write in this way, I have heard about other authors who write on legal notepads with pen and this is an idea that works to inspire their own creativity. And, I would just encourage them to go with what is working, rather than changing to something which is working for someone else.

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But it takes lot of time from you

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Not really anymore. I usually just use my laptop.

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Nevertheless, i often use my lap for writing, but some times i will do it.....

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I honestly do not remember the last time I used a pen and paper to write an article.

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No I use my laptop.

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I honestly do not remember the last time I used a pen and paper to write an article.

At one time, I wrote all my ideas on paper and had boxes and binders for all the things related to my writing. That was ages ago and now I really enjoy writing on my computer. It helps to be able to type fast to get the ideas down before they slip away.

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I have left writing with pen on paper for more than six years. I write everything on my laptop.

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I have left writing with pen on paper for more than six years. I write everything on my laptop.

At this point, I find it difficult to even scribble handwriting with a pen as my hands are not accustomed anymore to using a pen. I don't find it very comfortable at all. There are all kinds of note apps on smart phones now, so no real reason to use post its for reminders.

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Very rarely does this happen any more for me. I like to utilize technology.

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Not really. I used to but it is much easier to use my computer or laptop.

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This seems like an inefficient way to earn money as you would write so much slower on a pad of paper than if you were to just use your keyboard. Also, old fashioned too, so I can't figure why anyone would want to use this method.

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Not really. I used to but it is much easier to use my computer or laptop.

There are some really cool apps you can use on a smart phone to take notes or for almost any type of writing. Technology replaces the writer's notepad.

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No, not now! I use my PC for writing.

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Very rarely anymore.

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Typing is better than writing.

Maybe at some time in the future, typing out content or simply speaking into a device (that translates voice to text) will be the only way to communicate. Hopefully that will happen soon as my handwriting was never that good anyway. Do you write with pen and paper?

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Typing is better than writing.

I find it to be faster as well Do you write with pen and paper?

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I don't think that I would resort to writing long hand for creative writing, though I have read how George Lucas wrote his script for Indiana Jones in this way. I don't know if it's true, but if so, then maybe that is his secret of creative success.

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I can't really be bothered to write notes anymore as I use a mobile app for notetaking. I can email my notes to anyone, even myself and check when I'm on my laptop. It's a convenient way to keep up with my ideas.

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There is reason for writing with pen & paper, You may be not always on your PC while Idea comes in your mind.

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There is reason for writing with pen & paper, You may be not always on your PC while Idea comes in your mind.

Today, I used my phone app to call someone on my computer and used a pen and paper to write down an phone number given to me by the automated message on the other end of the line. It was an unusual mix of new tech and very old tech for getting business done but it worked out.

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No one uses pen and paper anymore! That seems so old fashioned. And, maybe it will be out of style completely within the next twenty years. After all we won't want to cut down any more trees for paper to write on.

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Sure. We should do that to save trees but sometime we really need it.

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Technology is moving so fast I think we should keep up with it Do you write with pen and paper? I always have sticky notes to my desktop I always write there but I really love writing with pen and pencil it remind me of old school days Do you write with pen and paper?

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Yes. Sticky notes can be a better option.

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While I agree that we would save trees from destruction, you have to understand that you are using fuel resources to power your computer and devices.

So it's not like you are using an environmentally friendly option for writing.

Maybe you could use an erasable board for your notes. In that way, you are only using one surface, not multiple sheets of paper.

And, this is a technology free option. You can easily buy dry erase board at the store for a few dollars.

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At this point, I find it difficult to even scribble handwriting with a pen as my hands are not accustomed anymore to using a pen. I don't find it very comfortable at all. There are all kinds of note apps on smart phones now, so no real reason to use post its for reminders.

And, one day children will not even know how to write with their hands and will only type out what they want to say. It won't be necessary in the future to write with so many tech gadgets to make communication easy.

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well though writing on paper is kinda slow thing these days so i mostly prefer writing on my laptop's notepad or directly on my wordress blog.

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At school of course students still write using pen and paper Do you write with pen and paper?

Many schools are using computers, so children are having to be more computer savvy and literate now. I'm worried that children will just use the computers for fun and gaming though, not learning activities.

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I know how to write in pen and paper but now a days i am typing in the keyboard..

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Yes but in few cases but now a days maximum time i am using my keyboard

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Normally I am writing with keyboards, but some times i am using pen and paper, actually i am writing about some inspiring thoughts for a book in my personal diary, so i am using pen and diary normally.

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I usually write any content with Pen and Paper because psychologically. It gives me more freedom of thinking. I dont know about others but when I write with pen and paper I got more suitable words rather than writing on laptop.

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Now a days I have almost forget to use the pen and paper! I am mostly using Microsoft word for kinds of writing. specially I can check the spellings there also?

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i'm write with microsoft office word Do you write with pen and paper?

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For making notes I will. But I usually use my computer to do all my writing with.

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i am comfortable with writing pen and paper.

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I can say I have almost forgotten to write with a pen, lol. I use it for signatures, grocery lists.
But, I do like to use a pen while brainstorming. Don't ask me why. Ideas seem to come faster Do you write with pen and paper?

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I prefer to write with a keyboard, always Do you write with pen and paper?. More so if I am composing an article and ideas come and go then I can rearrange ideas easily. Still not offering to write any articles as a service here in SEOClerks as I am still practicing it a bit first. I'm writing articles for some of my own sites, when I get more used to it I may offer such a service here. And I will have some examples to show by doing so, also :-).

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Lately I'm using a sticky notes app on my desktop, suggested by Angie. Do you write with pen and paper?

I am able to keep track of many things in this way from grocery list needs to daily chores and job related tasks.

Very useful. Do you write with pen and paper?

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I've been writing online for years in various formats, including article sites, blogs and forums, so my hands are accustomed to using the keyboard.

Now, I feel more comfortable working on the computer than writing with pen and paper.

Love your hand Beverly, please don't write using pen anymore....keyword pleaseeee....

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Now hardly use the pen for writing except lecture notes.

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Only from my keyboard! I didn't wrote with pen from almost 2 years...

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It depends on my mood there are times that I feel like writing in my writing pad. I also have moments when I want to use my laptop because I can easily access my online thesaurus.

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now its really very rare to use pan and paper we are always using my keyboard and mouse.

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Nowadays iam not using pen,due to personal computers

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I wonder no one writes on pen and paper for it is lazy things ever after computer is user savy. I write tons of words for articles and blogs since 2000.

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I am using keyboard for writing because I do job. But, when I was a student, using paper and pen most of the time.

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why Support members are banned account and after 60 days why they not not send back funds, My 1 account was banned last 70 days ago and i am requesting many times but they need Account full name and transaction ID, Account is banned from where i got Transaction ID and Full name?
My 450$ was in my bannned account but now SEOCLERKS support team not reply me. I want to inform this to all my Friends. Now tell me what I do dear friends. Help me 450$ is big amount. thanks

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I've been writing online for years in various formats, including article sites, blogs and forums, so my hands are accustomed to using the keyboard.

Now, I feel more comfortable working on the computer than writing with pen and paper.

same here already have it difficult to make my signature because always stuck on a keyboard

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I really only use pen and paper for quick notes for reference when writing or totaling up what i am owed from clients - quick little things like that. Others mentioned the sticky notes things as a desktop app - I also use that but mainly to remind me of things or writing my daily to do list so that I already know what I have to do for the next day.

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exactly what i do too.

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I am not using pen or paper for writing. I always try to start writing here in my computers. And also i just try to on my Tab.

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I still often use pen and paper, to make some notes, write down the ideas and do quick sketches.

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Yes, I write with pen but very rarely, most of the time I use my PC.

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I have my own PC. So pen and paper is not necessary...

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I still find it useful to carry a pen and a paper everywhere I go, however it is not the only way I take notes and write content.

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yes i am write pen and paper

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Writing with pen and paper is easy rather than on PC.

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Mostly only signing up something or drawing some kind of schemes, all other - electronic input Do you write with pen and paper?

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Not really anymore. I usually just use my laptop.

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That's same with me, but it would be nice if you can try using pen in the future as well.

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i am write pen and paper

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Mostly only signing up something or drawing some kind of schemes, all other - electronic input Do you write with pen and paper?

And, I think most people are that way these days, favoring electronic transactions versus traditional written/printed media.

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Yes. Same is the issue with me. Given so many years on computers has forced me to forget about Pen and Pencil.

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In the past, when I was still writing for Bubblews ( which is a dead site now ), I used to write down my articles in pen and paper before I type them out and publish. Nowadays, since I can type out articles in Ms word or evernote, it is easier and quick since I can save, copy and paste them on the writing sites, check for grammar and spelling mistakes. I do still use pen and paper for writing notes for my kids when I am out. I also jot down my daily earnings with pen and paper.

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It's great to read how versatile you're writing with pen and paper as well as using mobile devices in writing your articles. I've focused on using my devices to do so instead.

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I don't feel comfortable writing with pen and paper and it is as a result of how comfortable that I've becoming working on my smartphone devices. However, I would have to try out if I can use pen and paper to write in the future.

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