
Where do you promote your articles?

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Where do you promote your articles?

For some time now, I've found good success promoting my Hubpages and articles on Facebook groups and various forums. These sites help me to get page views and result in advertising revenue. Where are you promoting your Hubpages or Triond/Squidoo Lenses?


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I promote heavily on Facebook writer groups. You can usually get links to these on writers forums. Another good place to promote Hubpages or any article directory type submission is through niche forums. These will usually attract the type of readers you are looking for anyway.

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I promote on different sites. Some on forums, but mostly on sites related to my affiliate products or businesses. These articles and reviews are all story based, surrounding family, friends, colleagues, etc. I'm thinking about doing audio/MP3 for these, as some people like to have some audio on their sites. I've been asked a few times, and never really thought about it.

Now, my mature content (written stories) fly's on forums, my blogs, and many of my other sites, as I focus on very specific niches, making it unique every time. I even offer audio/MP3 these as well.

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I rely on forums for article promotion. If I'm posting a new article or blog topic, I'll include a link in my signature line on a relevant forum and it always attracts attention and traffic.

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I use Facebook to promote my articles as a result of the fact that I don't spend so much time on other sites that can help to promote my articles. Also, using the social media is somewhat cheaper than using the other platforms to promote my articles which can come at a certain price.

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When I was co-blogging for a pet blog, we were using email in promoting my articles. What I did was to send an email to people I know and request them to forward to their friends. It was good while it lasted. But for now, I guess it is the social media that is more potent in promoting something in the internet. Just post it on your timeline and you will get some reactions. It is good if you have lots of active friends in the social media who can help you spread your promotional post.

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I promote my articles on social networking sites like facebook twitter, linkedin and google plus. I also promote my articles on social blogging sites like pinterest. I am thinking to join more social media sites and promote my works. They say email marketing is also very beneficial. I have done email marketing, however, my campaign was not very successful. Joining the blogger community is also a good way to promote your works. I also promote through forum signature and blog commenting.

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