
How much time are you spending on research?

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How much time are you spending on research?

When researching an article, Hubpage or blog post, how much time do you spend researching the subject? Do you read several sources and then cobble together an original article of your own words? What is your best research technique?


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If I know very little I tend to do a lot of research. I always make sure to check a variety of sources to get the details correct.

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Depending on my knowledge of the subject and how technical the article topic is, my research can take on average between 30 minutes to several days.

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As much as I need to to get the job done to the best of my ability.

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Just reading about the subject is usually enough research and helps me familiarize myself with what I am supposed to be writing about. It helps to know the subject before beginning with the writing task or at least to be prepared to answer a list of questions about the subject.

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Depends on how much I know about the subject. If I had to do an article about fashion I would know more than I would if I had to write an article about snakes.

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If I know very little I tend to do a lot of research. I always make sure to check a variety of sources to get the details correct.

Good research always ensures you can provide the most authoritative content available. It helps to be able to back up your research and cite sources when you are writing articles.

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I usually Google for any kind of research & don't get time to ready detailed article. I just note some important points.

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Daily atlist 2 to 3 hours to get deep idea.

And, what type of projects are you researching? For instance, do you write blog posts or articles or mainly Hubs?

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when i am researching, i google out the topics and briskly go through all the sites that offer what i am looking for. i open each site on various tabs and compare them and spot out the ones that deal on my topic strictly, then i jott them down in different notepads, study them and form my own article based on my understanding of the sites contents. i dont copy and paste, i form my own sentences to make up the article.

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I do spend a lot of time on research. I tend to look for information on different websites to make sure that they are all conveying the same message. I also go to the library to undertake research at times. Some times I also have to look for statistics and this usually take some time. Sometimes I can spend about a week to write a single article. It all depends on the subject. Some topics require me to do more research.

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I don't note the amount of time that I spend on researching on the internet, but one thing I try to do is to give my articles the best content that I will be proud to lay claim to. I don't hastily prepare an article without having to do some research about the work that I'm doing.

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yes I do make some research on the topic I wanted to write at least several days not just hours. Looking for the same contents and lay them out and put into my own words take lots of time and work. Researching is a waste of time but worth it. Get the right content, don't bull shit about it.

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I spend about an hour to get the true and current facts about a topic I'm about to write on.I like to be an authority in my chosen niche so I research a lot.It can so embarrassing to be corrected in the comment section about what one just wrote in a bid to educate but in the true sense of it, one was actually misleading people.So I research a lot to avoid that.

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