
Do you create lots of notes when researching?

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Do you create lots of notes when researching?

I have to create many pages of notes when researching. I can't simply read over a page and gain everything I want. I have to break things down for my own good and read back over my writing to fully understand what was written. And, for me this is a valuable part of the writing process.


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I have used notes before it there is something that I want to remember and don't think that I will. It does come in handy.

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Yes I do. I find that when I do this, my research is a lot better organized and easier to find.

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I tend to have a list of all the sites that I've visited, as I like to look back and read things over and over again to get a better understanding. I feel that is an important key to writing an article, especially when you're not very knowlegdeable in regards to the content being written. When I do read things over and over, I do have a better understanding. The more I understand something, the easier it becomes when you're writing about it. It goes much smoother, without much hiccups.

One time I had re-written someones website content (contruction company), and I needed to know the businesses competition, so I could check out their websites to compare and learn, so I could fill in the blanks to try to go above and beyond the competition. Do you create lots of notes when researching?

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I do tend to create notes as I feel that this is a good way to do some quality research.

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If you take notes efficiently, you can read with more understanding and also save time and frustration when you come to write your paper.

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Yes I have before. It helps me to be more organized when I write.

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the notes you create dont have to be too much, just about 5 notes may be ok. make sure the 5 notes are the ones you feel will deliver what you want well.

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the notes you create dont have to be too much, just about 5 notes may be ok. make sure the 5 notes are the ones you feel will deliver what you want well.

I think it would depend on the type of article you're writing and the length needed, as some you may need to be more detailed than others, particularly if you don't know much about the topic.

If you already have vast experience or knowledge regarding the area of expertise being written, then you may only want to write down the most important points.

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natural writer i go with you on this. its like your main gigs will be mainly article writing because of your username.

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natural writer i go with you on this. its like your main gigs will be mainly article writing because of your username.

Perhaps, but there are topics I write about, that I honestly don't know much about. When I have an article, I do research, regardless if I know about it or not. My knowledge base will tell me how much I need to research and learn. What type of notes do I have write? Do I have to jot things down on paper? Or do I print off pages of information, highlighting parts/chunks, then research further on certain points (from highlighted information) to get a much better understanding of all the angles of the subject?

These are all questions I ask myself.

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My research depends on the topic I am writing. If I am writing about the topic that I don't know, I will go into extensive researxh..For the topic that I am aware of, I will not be doing heavy research. When I research, I always take notes. When the research is heavy, my notes will be long, and if the research is lite, I will have short notes. I develop the contents from the notes I take.

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I remember when I wrote an article about stray dogs, I had to do some research. I already had the photos but not much of the details. I already know why those dogs are stray but what is the exact reason why they are still on the streets? And what diseases can they spread? I also don’t know how they eat and survive particularly when the weather is not pleasant. With the research, I came up with several pages, maybe 5 that I had condensed into 2 pages of an article.

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I don't really create notes but I do copy relevant data and paste it to my editing board.

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