
A tip to get your service/ad noticed!!!

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A tip to get your service/ad noticed!!!

  • Make sure you use your bumps so that people can see your services on the front page.
  • Also create a thread on the forum so that you can get more free bumps
  • You could also buy more bumps if you think that it is worth it

Also take some good pictures that attract people's attention. Make sure the picture relates to your service though or people may just get mad that you deceived them. If you make your pictures attractive enough, you get people to buy your services even if they weren't even searching for your services in the first place.

Trust me guys it works. Put in a little more effort and you will get more RESULTS.

Alright guys, I hope these little tips helped and may luck be and stay on your side FOREVER!!!!!


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You are welcome to create ONE thread in the Advertise your SEOClerks services subforum. This subforum is the only place, other than your signature line where self promotion is allowed.

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Yes picture is very important part of getting more sales. I have noticed that too.

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From my experience the main thing to get sales here in market place is to bump your service regularly with the specific time zone which you want to target for ex- If you focus on US customer than bump on Morning-9- 11 am so that you will get some sales
Initially it will difficult to get sales but after you get few sales and good review / recommendation than its your turn to boost the sales.

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nice tips, but these are common please come with some more hidden tricks and tips to increase sales.


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Nice tips. I have just started here and will keep in mind this 'Bump' logic which I am still trying to figure out how to make the most of!

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Do a good job for every person that hires you and ask that same person to hire you again as they need your service.

In this way, you can establish a repeat business which will earn you far more than a one time customer.

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Bro i have used about 50+ bumps in last one month. Also i bumped 4 services daily for about one whole week. But only got one sale of $5. Perhaps my all services are just to good to attract and satisfy customer A tip to get your service/ad noticed!!! Please suggest me something, so that i can earn my living here on seoclerk!

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First decide in which country you want to sell your GIGs. Then see proper time & Bump your services daily at that time frame.

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