
Being a Successful Freelancer

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Being a Successful Freelancer

Many are astonished to know that you can really make it big as a freelancer. Others state it is just too hard to make a living off simply writing. But if you have goals and dreams, you can make them a reality. Here are a few things to think about when deciding that you want to become a freelancer.

First off, do not assume that you can start off huge. You will have to build up your client base. Many freelancers are charging 7 or more cents per word but that is simply because they have built up their business to know that they can charge this and others will not have any issues paying this. However, when starting out, you may have to charge a bit less in the beginning to get your name out there. Know that this is normal. But also know that I am not saying sell yourself short. Someone that is buying a freelance service must know that it takes time to do research and put the entire article together.

As stated above, do your research! It really does pay to know what you are talking about. And when you know what you are talking about, you will be able to generate a more successful article! An article will only be as good as you make it, and if you are willing to put the time in to research, you will be sure to get a more stable client base.

And finally, always stick to what you say you are going to do. If you say I can meet this deadline, then you have to do this. If you do not have time to do something, do not promise a client that you can do it. This will only make you as a freelancer look bad. And when you look bad, you will not get any business. No one can afford to work with someone that is late on work. Your client will have deadlines to meet as well and if you are late, it makes them look bad as well.

One can make it in the freelance business, it just takes some dedication on your part. Good luck and have fun!


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Thanks a lot for this helpful post.

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thanks Mandy for this. Freelance writing is a job but a fun one!

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Hey you are most welcome. Anything that I can do to help someone out.

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Great tips for being successful at doing something that you love! These will surly help any freelancer out.

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I don't think that any freelance writer will start off huge. But at the same time, no one wants to work for peanuts. There are some that think that they can pay one forth of a penny for a word. To me that is not cutting it.

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Ricky you are right in saying that. Many do not realize that you are only going to get crap content for low balling the price. It is better to pay a bit more for higher quality.

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Great post. And I agree Miken that if you low ball it for price, you will be risking getting content that is not readable!

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You can not start off huge in no way. If you are not experienced, no one is going to want to pay big bucks for your work. Work on getting clients and then you can raise your prices.

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Recurring or subscription clients are the key to long term success, not just one off sales from occasional or random customers.

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I know of several freelancers who are full time with their freelancing and earning enough for their livelihood. That’s also my dream but not now because I still have an office job to attend to. That’s why my freelancing is part time only and I usually do my internet work when I have a spare time in the office and also during the off hours when I am at home or even when I am on vacation. It’s nice to be freelancing because it serves as my occupation instead of being idle when I am not in the office.

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I have to agree that focus, time and persistence are some of the traits needed to succeed in freelancing. Most successful online freelancers I've seen have been toiling for years and even decades before they've achieved their current status.

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