
Do you check last logged in date for a seller?

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Do you check last logged in date for a seller?

Just now I was looking over a seller's article page and saw that she had not logged in for 131 days. Good thing I paid attention to that warning at the top of the inactive seller's page or I would have ordered a service that could never be fulfilled.


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That's just smart business to check on the last logged in date for a seller. Otherwise your service will not be delivered as the seller never logs in and will not see your order.

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I always check that. I personally do not buy from sellers who did not log in more then 2 days

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I always check that. I personally do not buy from sellers who did not log in more then 2 days

Do they tell you the 'Last logged in' if it's been so recent? I will be looking for that. I am wondering about this as I want to purchase a blog theme and logo. I don't really know who is active on the site though.

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I always check sellers response time and last login before making a purchase I also mentioned this in my tutorials on this forum as well Do you check last logged in date for a seller?

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Just now I was looking over a seller's article page and saw that she had not logged in for 131 days. Good thing I paid attention to that warning at the top of the inactive seller's page or I would have ordered a service that could never be fulfilled.

And, I wonder why they don't delete these inactive sellers or automatically lock their profile and services after a certain number of days not logging in. I'm sure someone has suggested that idea before. That would serve the buyer so much, not having to risk buying a service from an inactive seller.

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I do. I like to make sure that they are on enough in case there are questions.

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I do. I like to make sure that they are on enough in case there are questions.

Good idea to check when a buyer is online so you can ask them anything you need to know. It will be useful to find out if a buyer is online often. Much harder to get details from a buyer who is never online.

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