
Do you ever get so discouraged you want to quit freelancing?

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Do you ever get so discouraged you want to quit freelancing?

Have you ever been so discouraged over lack of customers or lack of sales that you just wanted to quit freelancing? How can you get past that feeling?


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Yes at times I do get discouraged but then I feel like this is the job for me at other times. So all is good.

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With freelancing as any work at home job, there will be good days and there will be bad days where you feel nothing goes right. You just have to be tough on those bad days and realize that nothing lasts forever, even bad times and you will get through it. Just look forward to the good times and celebrate those while you have them.

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Not really, I don't ever feel like quitting, this is a fun and enjoyable job that I have have grown to enjoy as time goes on.

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There are days when I wonder why I ever started but other days are so rewarding and busy so that is what I always remind myself.

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I can't wait to see where my freelancing career goes and how much money I could earn doing this. If I did not get any clients for a few months, then I would know that my marketing strategy was faulty and I would simply fine tune that to be able to get more work. I would not just quit, not after all I have worked to get this far.

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Just don't rely on freelancing as your sole income and you will never be discouraged. Obviously, it can be disheartening if your freelance income is your sole income for the house and you need that to pay for all bills. That can cause you to want to try other venues for making money if the income from freelancing is just not enough.

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There are good days and bad days, but if you persevere you will do fine.

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It takes time to build trust with sellers. Just deliver the best quality work every time and you will get many repeat customers. And, those people will order your services time and again and that will fill in between times when you get new customers. At least, I've found this to be true with the writing niche.

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Everyone has down days in business. And, just as you think the worst has come, there will be an even worse day that makes you feel gloomy. Just hang on until tomorrow and you will get a sale or find a way to earn more money for what you want.

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Everyone has down days in business. And, just as you think the worst has come, there will be an even worse day that makes you feel gloomy. Just hang on until tomorrow and you will get a sale or find a way to earn more money for what you want.

The only time you will ever lose is when you give up. So just keep trying.

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Tomorrow is another day. Don't get so wrapped up and emotional over one tiny setback that you lose sight of why you became a freelancer. If you quit now, then you lose all your progress and never get to see things through to the end. And, for you, that might mean lost income or prestige or whatever it is you value.

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I'm more of a blogger than a freelancer but I have written articles for others and it's just enough income to finance my blogging passion. I don't get discouraged as I'm not solely depending on freelancing for personal or financial gratification.

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Nope, I had never quit working online, writing for my own blog or other sites. Although I do encounter spamming comments, plagiarists who stole my posts, I could carry on writing as long as the sites pay me on time . I hate when there are a few black sheep sites that went "ghost hiding" that I had stopped writing for them. I don't give up yet because there are still more new sites coming up where I can still earn money while I am at home .

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When i was starting, it was really discouraging when the earnings wouldn't move. But then, people always say that you need to persevere in new endeavors just like the so called birthing pains. I'm fortunate to think that my freelancing is just a phase for training so I can afford not to earn much otherwise I would have quit a long time ago.

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Currently, I am thinking to keep freelancing in the backseat. In the last few months, my income from freelancing has not improved and it has been difficult to manage my expenses. Therefore, I have decided to take a break from freelancing job and go for a full-time job. I hope to find a good paying job. In the meantime, I will also keep looking for freelancing opportunities.

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That is how I felt in 2015 when I was trying to get clients. Actually, I had no one to seek advice from and so I stopped searching for work.

Nowadays with forums, people can interact and talk about everything and anything. We get to learn useful tips from others and so we are able to solve problems we experience as a freelancer.

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I'm just starting out and I'm already enjoying every bit of it and I'm not even thinking of resting on it let alone quit.For now, it like an organized play for me because I'm not really seeing it as work, no stress of meeting deadlines, no running late for work and no domineering boss to get me worked up.So it just a rolly ride and I hope it continues this way.

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If you are doing freelancing as a side job for extra income, you might never be disappointed with freelancing. However, if freelancing is your full-time work and you do not have enough contracts or sales, then freelancing can be very frustrating. This is happening to me. I am a full time freelance writer and I am not getting enough writing jobs. In order to push my freelancing career, I have also started working as a web designer and I also do not get enough jobs.

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You are one brave guy to be a full time freelancer. In my situation now with my freelancing earnings, I don’t think I can even survive if I have not other means or income. As I see it, there are just a few successful freelancers because the demand for work is not much and there are too many writers around. In other words, the supply of workers is much more than the demand which leads to lower prices.

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Becoming a freelancing came naturally to me. I do not regret my decision, however, sometimes when I see my friends doing well with their regular jobs, I get frustrated. By the time when I finished my university, I was already earning a salary of a bank clerk by writing on newspapers. Therefore, I decided to continue writing. If I did not have a farm to support me, I would have never survived as a freelancer.

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