
Do you have business hours?

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Do you have business hours?

Do you structure your day or evening with business hours that you devote only to your freelancing work? For instance, if you have a full time out of the house job, maybe you devote from six pm to eight pm to work.


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No, I work from sunrise until sundown (with breaks between).

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My reply would be same as Jordan.Do you have business hours?

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I work.mostly when the kids are out to school mostly in the morning from.8-11 am and maybe in the evening when they're resting from 5-7 pm and I'm done for the day.

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I will work from 2pm to 12pm (midnight) Indian time.

- Sunil Bishnoi

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I work whenever I have the opportunity to. No set hours.

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I don't have any kind of set hours but unless something is stopping me I always start work within a few minutes of waking up at around 9am and it goes on and off through the day. I do like to make sure there's nothing I'll need to do past 9-10pm but will if it's needed.

I wouldn't be doing everything I do online if I had set hours.


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No I do everything when I have the time usually after 6 at night from when I return home from my full time job.

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Usually between 1 and 2 in the afternoon is when I work and then again at night from 7 to 10.... and then late on Friday nights and into the weekends.

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No set hours for me. Whenever I flip my computer on and get to work.

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Nope. I work whenever I can, early in the morning, late at night. Here and there whenever I get a chance.

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Just work until the job is done. That's what I've been doing for a few years. If it means staying up past midnight, then I'll do that too even when I'm tired.

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I am a stickler for time so my habit in working is to observe a regular schedule. Since I have a full time job, my freelancing is only done often after dinner time although sometimes before dinner when I arrive home earlier than usual. There are times that I can work in the morning when I wake up so early. I am teaching myself to be disciplined with my freelancing hours because it's not good to be loose with the time.

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Yes I do have business hours. From 6am to 8am on busy days like weekdays and 7pm to 9pm before I sleep. When I find time or a break during the day, I can devote 1 hour to online work. I can be able to complete the online work on weekends or days I have more time.

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I set my business hours at 4pm up to 4am. Since I don't really sleep at night and I do all my work during this time frame. During the day I would tend to my physical business for about 6 hours and sleep for about 4 hours.

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