
Questions about domain selection in regards to SEO via Google

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Questions about domain selection in regards to SEO via Google


I would like to build a single-page web-site, that its role will be only one: to sell my product directly.

In order to do it, I'm planning to put in the web-site the way to purchase it, plus some information as a service for the user (should attract him to this web-site).

Now I would like to get ideas about all the things related to it, however my first step I guess is domain selection, so few questions about it:

1. Does google today really take into acount domain name for SEO considerations? (should I select a domain name composed of keywords, or is it enough to use my distinct domain with pages in the name of the keyword, like www dot example dot com/my_product.html)
2. Does ORG extension gets any SEO precedence over COM extension?
3. Is it OK to choose ORG extension for commercial stuff? (I understand it is not intended for it, however is it OK anyway to do it or I would
be punished for it?)

Thanks in advance...


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Google doesn't show any preference to .com versus .org or .biz. The only thing that matters is the content on your site and possibly the age of the domain.

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I agree that the age of the domain has a value with the search engines particularly Google but the domain provider such as the dot com or dot org has nothing to do with the SEO of the site. For the search engines I guess the domain name provider are treated in equal level by the search engines unless there is an issue with the domain name server which sometimes experiences a downtime.

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Google doesn't show any preference to .com versus .org or .biz. The only thing that matters is the content on your site and possibly the age of the domain.

Thanks Sharla,

Almost two years after I've asked the question, though (and here is my website up and running already), however thanks!

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