
The problem with Post

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The problem with Post

Dear friends and admin,
Recently, when I post a new service on, it appear a message like the following:
"This message was detected as spam. You could be using a URL or a Word which has been flagged as spam previously. If you were recently sending mass messages, your account may have been restricted."

I don't know why that.


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This message appear for number or reasons, could be if you adding email address, skaype or similar

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i think you are using the term like gmail and like that which will detect as spam so that its showing message like this so avoid that type of word to create new service

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Its not always contact info which is filtered as spam sometime its just a word see your description may be there is some word you are using is abusive or connected to some url sort of thing .
It happened to me once but I didn't add any contact info in my service but that particular word was blocking me to do it when I removed it it allowed me to post a new service .

Farah khan

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Some words are forbidden to use in messages and services. My best suggestion would be to ask help desk which word(s) were blocked. You would likely need to copy a portion of the sales description onto your help ticket so they can read over it and tell you what you need to know.

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