
How to get more sales (beginners guide?)

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How to get more sales (beginners guide?)

Hey everyone,
I thought that I should share some stuff here..
Yeah, I know.. I'm a level 1 seller and have 2 sales (at this time) so why should you even bother to read this??

Here's why:
First of all, increased sales are something everyone should be looking for and advice, thoughts, tips and tricks are something you should always be listening to. Anyone and everyone can earn by selling services but some people can't get a single order because they lack experience and/or knowledge.

These questions is asked frequently..
What can I do to get sales? Why can't someone purchase my services?

Am I doing something wrong?
That one is not asked as much as the ones above.. And why?
Because most people don't understand better than just creating the services and wait. It's sad, but it's true..

There's tons of ways to increase your sales but it's always hard to get the first couple of sales.
Buyers loves positive ratings and when you provide high quality services and get your first couple of ratings you'll get more sales shortly.. So the question is.. How on earth, will you get the first couple of postive ratings when buyers hesitates to purchase from sellers without them?

My first "rule" to achieve this, is by:
Creating "good-looking" services without any major grammar issues. (All of us doesn't have English as the native language but you could "overcome" this quite easy. Ask a friend for guidance, ask someone within the WTT section to spellcheck you description or whatever.)

This is actually something that most sellers doesn't care about and that's also one of the major mistakes they do. A buyer needs to have confidence and they must have a good feeling before they dare purchase something. Especially when you're a new seller.

The second "rule of mine" is to:
Always deliver!! (And ALWAYS try to Over-deliver!)

This results in regular customers which will contact you or look at your services before they try any others!

Those two, are the most important ones. Besides this, there's tons of others things you can, should and could do..

Here's some examples:

Promote your services on Facebook, twitter and any other social network!
This will lead to more exposure and someone will be interested AND purchase sooner or later.

Be POLITE! Even if you get 1,000 sales per day, don't stop being polite!
Take time to answer all your customers questions. Answer them politely.

And why?
Some of you might not understand why since you're getting orders and you're making money but don't forget that your customers are the ones who "pay your bills" at the end of the day. If you're dishonest, rude or if you're ignoring your customers questions they might be looking elsewhere for that specific service which leads to a loss for you.

Well, that's all for now..
Feel free to share your own experience.. and hope this will help someone out there!

Best regards,


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A tiny update of this:

Whenever I'm browsing the Marketplace I find tons of sellers who creates Services like this:

1st Service:
"I will provide you with 1000 twitter followers for $5"

2nd Service:
"I will provide you with 500+500 twitter followers for $5"

3rd Service:
"I will provide you with 150+250+300+300 twitter followers for $5"

The first service is nice. It looks clean. The second, third and all other "copies" of that service looks like crap. (In my opinion.)

I can only come up with ONE idea of WHY the sellers are doing this.. Can you?
The reason for this has to be exposure.

When you create a service you'll get exposure for it, no questions about it.
The service will be listed on the first page for a few minutes and instead of using the bump feature you create "identical" services, in a desperate try of earning some money.

My advice is:

I know.. You're desperate. You need money. You want money.. But don't do this the wrong way.
Don't waste time & don't hurt your business.

Could you honestly say that it looks professional?

Instead of doing shitty things like that..

Do this instead:

"I will provide you with 1000 twitter followers for $5" <- First Service.
"I will provide you with 2000 twitter followers for $10" <- Second Service.
"I will provide you with 3000 twitter followers for $15" <- Third Service.

That way, you'll get Exposure for your services AND you still get the same amount of money per 1000.

Another way could be like this:
"I will provide you with 1000 twitter followers for $5"
"I will provide you with 2000 twitter followers for $9"
"I will provide you with 3000 twitter followers for $14"

That's how I personally would do it, since this will make you earn more money per order. (If the buyers purchase the second or third service.) But, it will be more work for less money per order you get too.

And WHY should you be working MORE for less?
Because, buyers wants as much as they possible can get for the lowest cost.. Which will make them more interested in doing business with you again. (if you provide them quality) and you'll get a regular customer.

I won't even explain why you should aim for regular customers...


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  • "Congrats, someone bought a package from you! SEOClerks?"

So.. What should you do now?
I believe (at least from my own experience as a buyer) that most sellers "dives" right into the "Manage Sales" Section, look at the buyers details and jumps down the fence and start working on that order to make sure they deliver in time.

Some sellers doesn't do anything more besides this and when the work is done they mark the order as completed and tells you something like this: "Done." or "Finished!"
I think it's a bit "rude" or "Lazy". Sure, it could be lack of time, since several sellers on SEOClerks rake in multiple orders per day, but I still think it's "boring" at least.

And why?
Here's the deal. It looks unprofessional or even what I said above. It may look like the sellers are being lazy or rude.
How often will you purchase a service from someone who's not showing their appreciation?

As a Seller, you're providing customers with services they want. They are paying you to deliver it which means that you'll make money. As a Buyer, you're paying someone to deliver what you've asked for which means that you're not doing any work yourself and still get the results you want.

When I get a sale, (both here on SEOClerks and from my other clients) I always do this:

1.) Reviewing the order. (Look at the details & make sure they're correct.)
B.) If there's something wrong or something I didn't understand completely I ask the buyer to provide me with further details. (Just do make sure I don't spend time working on something I shouldn't.)

2. I'm sending the buyer a message where I show my appreciation by saying something like: "Thanks for your order. I'll start working with your order within a couple of hours" (This is to make the buyer feel "good".)

3. IF the buyer ask something or updates the orderpage during the work, I ALWAYS answer the questions. (Yes, even if it's 100 questions. Because everything is job related.)

4. When I deliver the work, I tell the buyer something like this: "Hey and thanks for your order! I just wanted to let you know that I've delivered the work & the work is completed........ Best Regards, my name." (This is to make the buyer feel good and to make the buyer positive. Which will increase my chances of getting further orders from that specific buyer.)

This could vary a bit depending on your services and so, but I'd strongly recommend that you'll take this into consideration. We're all working for the sake of money. Don't forget it.

Well, that's my 2 cents about it...


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If you have any suggestions or ideas to help beginners, please post your thoughts within this thread. How to get more sales (beginners guide?)

The first couple of lines on the very first post in this thread says:

"Hey everyone,
I thought that I should share some stuff here..
Yeah, I know.. I'm a level 1 seller and have 2 sales (at this time) so why should you even bother to read this??"

Here's why you should pay some attention to this:
(You can also see that I became a Level X seller in about a month.)
How to get more sales (beginners guide?)

Best regards,

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Thanks for your comments! How to get more sales (beginners guide?)

Another Update:

"I delivered my work and the buyer isn't satisfied?! What should I do?!"

I have a "golden rule" regarding this.. (Just to make sure it won't affect me in a bad way.)
I understand that most of you would like to get the money, but be careful..

Let's say you provide your customer with 1000 twitter followers.
You deliver all the followers, they stick and you have several satisfied customers already, but this customer rejects the delivery and says something like: "I'm not satisfied. Refund please."

My "golden rule" is to Refund the customer asap. I press the "mutual cancellation" and write him a message.
Something like this:

"I'm sorry that you're not satisfied with my work. I've delivered all the likes exactly like I've described within the description of the service but of course you can have a refund. Just accept this and you'll get your money back."

And WHY on earth do I give my customers a Refund when I've delivered my work and I KNOW that hundreds of others is more than satisfied?

If I start to argue with my client saying things like: "I've delivered, give me my money" or whatever.. Then I'll start a "war" between us. That's not good.

This will lead to only ONE thing... That's a negative feedback.

If you keep saying you delivered the work and you try to force your client to accept.. Sometime, sooner or later, your client WILL accept.

You get the money for that specific service... Buy you will most likely get a negative feedback too. Which is bad.
This will hurt you in the long-run.

I prefer to give my clients a full refund without arguing. Customers who says things like "Give me a refund" etc, isn't satisfied.. What do you think they will do when you "force" them to accept the delivery?

You should NOT give customers a full refund everytime. Use your head.

Be careful and think twice before you start doing things that will harm yourself and your business.

Best regards,

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Great post and very educative. Please i really need more views to my gigs. Help please.

Thanks for your feedback!

Are you interested in views or people who's actually interested in your services?
A high amount of views could attract real people to view your service, which could result in more sales.

Most sellers are looking for views from real users, who view your services because they find it interesting themselves rather than being "forced" to view something. One way to make this happen is by promoting your services the right way. (Within related threads, posts etc.)

For example: You're a member of a forum where someone creates a thread:
"Does anyone know where I can find cheap twitter followers?"

One way to answer this thread could be with something like:

"Hi there,
I'm providing high-quality twitter followers and I would love to help you out too. If you need twitter followers on a daily basis we might be able to work something out. If you have any questions please contact me.

Kind regards,

(Also include your service url if it's possible)

This way you'll get exposure for your twitter service, both the thread creator and everyone else who's reading that thread will be able to see your reply, which is great advertising.

Another great thing with this, is that you've already given the thread creator (and everyone else) "a special offer" without given any details at all which will work as a "bait" to attract people.

This reply of yours, will also make people understand that you're serious and that you're working daily, which also results in people getting more interested in doing business with you.

Kind of cool, right? How to get more sales (beginners guide?)


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