
How to get level 2

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How to get level 2

Hello I have join here this weak but anyone tell how to get level 2?

for get level 2 i have to make lot of forum post with 10 sales ?


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Leveling up have nothing to do with number of forum posts. Here is all you have to do, to get to level 2

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Please check seoclerks userlevels

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@Instantservice2 Please check the link below you will see the requirements.

Level 2 sellers are getting serious and earning serious money. To obtain a level two status...

  • SBA Completed/Purchased/Affiliated 10 Orders on time
  • SBA Have no Infractions (follow the rules)
  • SBA Your email must be verified
  • SBA Login Often (once per 14 days)
  • SBA Account is at least 7 days old
  • SBA First Completed Sale/Purchase/Affiliate Sale is at least 30 days old
  • SB Have a 90% rating or higher
  • S Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old
  • S 72 Hour or less response time

Let me know if you need help with anything else How to get level 2

Farah khan

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Deliver your work on time; maintain highest quality and customer satisfaction and avoid infractions of site rules. These tips are useful for any user level. Hope that helps.

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Thank you i m trying to complete all task fastly and smoothly

Best of luck. Please let me know how it goes.

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Though this discussion is already over; I would like to add something!

At the beginning when I've joined seoclerk: I've even submitted a ticket to the support team for up-gradation of my level, as there are so much restriction in level 1.
Support team clearly told me that there are no such option and level up-gradation will happen automatically.
I've stared working with my broken heart!

But suddenly after a certain period I saw that I'm up-graded to level 2 and then within very short span level 3!
The secret is very simple!
Work hard to get positive reviews from your buyers.
Level will come up, just like that!!!

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but here is term first sell withdraw 20 days old for upgrade level 2

Maybe it means your last withdrawal should be at least 20 days ago. So you could not upgrade to level 2, unless your withdrawal date was twenty days ago or more.

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you need to qualify all the requirements.

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