
Someone copied a service from Fiverr word for word

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Someone copied a service from Fiverr word for word

How do I report someone that copied a gig word for word from Fiverr with a $15.00 price tag?

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Report the service to the staff at SEOClerks and they will investigate the issue. We all play a part in helping to keep the marketplace clean. It's not good enough to simply talk or gripe about a problem, we have to take action. That's how we will keep this site awesome! Someone copied a service from Fiverr word for word

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You have to report copied services or else they will mess up the search engine ranking for the website. Google does not like copied content, so it's not allowed here. However, it's not always spotted by staff, for that reason you should report.

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Outsourcing and reselling services is commonly done here and other places. It's not like this is forbidden. However, the service listing here should be unique and not copied from another site. That's part of the rules, I'm sure.

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one has to be original and creative, why copy someone else work?. that is unprofessional. even if he had edited it a little, it would have being much better, but copying word for word is absurd.

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All the copied stuff including images, content on sales page and even bids should be immediately reported.

I have came across quite a few and have always hit the Report link.

Recent scenario was when one of the sellers here was copying other seller's bid and quoting slightly higher bid.

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