
Service Pricing Tips!

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Service Pricing Tips!

So I thought I would post a quick list of tips you could keep in mind while you are setting the price(s) on your service(s). Please have a read at them and they might help you get more sales and make bigger purchases.

Don't Price To High!
We all want to make the most cash from each sale as possible, but you will earn a lot more from setting your price not so high, but making more sales, than having a high price, and only making a few.. You don't want to price yourself out of contention from the start. Have a look on the Marketplace and find out what other similar services are listed at.. You can price your gig at roughly the same or a little less if you want to stand out from all the rest, Remember: Your gig will be at the bottom of the Ratings, Bookmarks, etc.. filters, but for just $1 less, you could be above all them in the Price filter. Service Pricing Tips!

Setting Your Gig Extra Prices!
What you want your service Extra to make your buyer think is "If I don't buy this Extra here now, I wont get it for this price anywhere else!". Lets say your gig is 6000 Backlinks For $10, then there is no point adding an Extra for "Add Another 6000 Backlinks for $10" or even "Another 3000 for $5" because they will most likely just think to themselves "Well, its the same price, so if I like it, I can also just order again as normal, no need to buy the Extra just now.". You should always be giving a deal with your Extras to greatly increase the sales of them. Make it "Add Another 6000 Backlinks for $7 / $8" and then this way, if the buyer doesn't buy the Extra, its not available anywhere else, this making them a lot more likely to add the Extra to the order. Service Pricing Tips!

Using Sales To Get More Views!
For just adding a $1 Sale on your service, you can have it listed in more places and also higher up in more filters. I am not too sure if the "On Sale" category is still here on the SEO Clerks Marketplace, but by just having your gig on sale, it will be listed in all the other "On Sale" pages around the net, Where? Almost every SEO Clerks member with an Affiliate Store has an area it for On Sale Services, by listing your gig on SEO Clerks, it actually gets listed on a whole loads of other websites and sales can come from them too. The higher discount with your Sale Price is the higher it will be listed in the Price, etc.. filters, but try to always have at least a $1 sale on your services as much as possible. Service Pricing Tips!

Remember The 20% Fee!
When you are setting the price of your service, keep in mind that you will only get 80% of that, as SEO Clerks gets 20% (10% if an affiliate is attached getting 10%). If you are charging $10, you will only get $8, so if your wanting to actually get $10, you will have to price your gig a bit higher. This is something that can't be avoided, but also something we (well, I) accept as a small price for such a top marketplace website. That said, you can read more about SEO Clerks wanting to give you 100% earnings from your own clients Here. Service Pricing Tips!

I just wrote these straight up without too much thought, please feel free to reply below with more tips for sellers and also adding to the ones I wrote. So what are some tips you have on how to best judge what you should set the price / cost of your service? Service Pricing Tips!


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Great tips Service Pricing Tips! thanks for sharing sean.

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Your welcome Service Pricing Tips!

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Very good tutorial!

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Very good tutorial!



Thanks. Service Pricing Tips!
Feel free to add any tips youse have.
Service Pricing Tips!

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Great work Sean, some people will definitely find this useful Service Pricing Tips!

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Great Tips! Thank You Sean Service Pricing Tips!

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Very nice Sean. Great tips you have offered.

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Great work Sean, some people will definitely find this useful Service Pricing Tips!
Great Tips! Thank You Sean Service Pricing Tips!
Very nice Sean. Great tips you have offered.

Thanks Service Pricing Tips! Im glad youse like them. Service Pricing Tips!

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Good tips. I think that when you price right, you will draw way more attention and get more sales. Too high will never win.

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Great post Sean. It is sometimes hard to know what to price things at. You hate to give your services away at a low price but then again if you set them too high, you will only lose out.

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Great post Sean. It is sometimes hard to know what to price things at. You hate to give your services away at a low price but then again if you set them too high, you will only lose out.

You need to consider what your time is worth offline and price accordingly online.

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Very nice sean. If you are priced too high, and are just starting you will never get a lot of business until you establish yourself.

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I am usually really turned off by prices that are way too high and will continue shopping!

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THank for the Tips
It really helped

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Thanks for sharing this great information Service Pricing Tips!

- Syed Bahadur Shah

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Good tips.Thanks for sharing with us Service Pricing Tips!

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Pinned this post on top Service Pricing Tips!

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Very useful tips about pricing. Anyway this option "Don't Price To High!" it can hit you badly as well. A potential buyer with decent budget will get turned off by $1 offer assuming the low quality of the seller. So it become quite tricky for the sellers to offer anything at $1, as Big league of buyers will be hesitant to approach them.

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Thanks for the will help much

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liked all o f them must follow them to be successful Service Pricing Tips!

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Great, Nice tips Service Pricing Tips!


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Sean this is awesome. I often worry that I am pricing too high but yet do not want to short change myself.

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These are some very nice tips, especially not pricing too high and strategically adding the extras.

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Thanks for useful tips

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Sean these are all wonderful tips that you have given!

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good article

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Thank you for this great tips!

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Great post. It is very informative. Thanks

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If you go too high in price, they will just find someone else that can do it for cheaper.

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Thanks! Great tips to follow...

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Thanks for this Tips and Trick.

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Womdrful tips,
how can bit competitor for sam services?

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Thank you for the great tips, Ill make sure I use them in practice.

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I have services from $2 to $55 .

If your service is unique and useful, price is not a matter.

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Very good information Sean but i have one request please give us some idea how we promote our services in Seoclerks and in other sources also because as we all know its value less if our gig not viewed by huge buyers so we are waiting some tips regarding this

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Great tips Service Pricing Tips! thanks for sharing

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I don't really want to offer cheap services as there are way too many people trying to compete like that. I want to find out one thing that I can do best that no one else can do and then offer that service at a higher price.

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Thanks for the tips

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Great tips about pricing!

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It seems that getting success on Seoclerks is conditioned by $1 upgradable services plus at least daily (paid and free) bumps.

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Thanks for the info.
How can i got the option of bumps?

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Click on your service, and in the left side you'll see the option Bump your service.
Service Pricing Tips!

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I got it. Thanks!!!

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you are the great Service Pricing Tips! thank you so much for sharing this info

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Thank you for the useful information Service Pricing Tips!

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thank you for sharing this information but it's all are already mention on seoclerk Service Pricing Tips!

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Very use full tips

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Excellent work on this. I agree that if you price way to high you will not get any sales.

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Great post mate


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Great tips Sean. I am sure that they have helped many individuals on here.

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I am new member, so i only pricing my service 5 dollar.. please help me

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Greatttttt Service Pricing Tips!

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Yeah these tips are very awesome to rely stable in the market.With this we get extra advantages on these panels.I like it so much because these all tips helping me a lot.

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Very interesting tips! Must read to all new members.


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I am new member, so i only pricing my service 5 dollar.. please help me

Just focus on offering more quantity and quality of your service for the $5.00 and up price range, rather than trying to lower your price to compete with others who are already offering the $1.00 services. You'll end up with a better variety of customer and more earnings at the end of each day.

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When I price my service, I don't set a price that I actually want, I set the price that the service actually worth. My pricing is based on the level of difficulty and amout of time I need to finish the work, For instance, for a general article I will charge $5 for 500 words, however, if I have to write SEO article, I will charge at least $7 for 500 words. I have to work more on SEO article compared to general article.

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