
Do you own a forum?

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Do you own a forum?

Currently, I'm the owner of a general chat forum. This month (June) is our one year anniversary. Lately, I've been busy with work and home life and added gaming into the mix and don't have much time for my own forum anymore. Still I make sure to visit a couple times a day to greet visitors and chat with friends.

If I were to do it over again, I'd probably just start a general interest blog as it's very difficult getting new members to join and stay around on my forum for more than a few posts.


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Also, niche forums were big for awhile but the market is so saturated. Very hard to find a niche someone isn't dominating.

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Possibly some very rare medical disorders might be a good micro-niche, considering there could be fewer forums/blogs discussing the topic. The key would be to get credible medical experts posting as guest authors on the forum quickly and to establish the site more like a wiki than just a forum.

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I do not have a forum but one day I would love to have one. Just learning about everything for right now.

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I once was invited to join a forum as one of the owners. It is a forum about pets because we were patronizing petster dot com and it seems the admin had abandoned the site. Some members had planned to put up our own site and proceed from there. But when it came to the financial contribution I was warned that it may be a waste of money because I have no hand in the management. But I think that site was not created because of differences of the potential owners.

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