
How to give your blog personality?

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How to give your blog personality?

How can you make sure your blog is alive with your own personality, so that your readers keep coming back to read more?


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When blogging, just talk to the blog readers in your own voice, rather than speaking third person or being so formal. This will infuse your blog posts with personality and life and ensure that your readers develop a strong emotional bond with your site. They will likely come back to read more of what you have to say if it feels you are talking directly to them in the posts.

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I am trying to recall how I wrote some of my blogs. Maybe agood example is one that I wrote about the experience of Tisoy, he is one of our dogs. But the article seemed to be written by the dog who is like talking to the readers. I even enjoyed reading it again because the way it was written was casual and very realistic. Maybe that is a good style of writing since there is a sort of intimacy between the author and the reader. Much more if the author is a dog?

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I think for a blog to have a personality then the owner must stop writing in a third party position. The blog should have a personal feel through the writer's piece. More of personal examples should be infused into the articles and the articles must be more interactive,compelling and engaging for a better interaction.

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I think by writing content that reaches normal people one can add some personality. Also one can be good with the content quality in such case. I have seen many people struggling with the level of quality. It'd be really hard to understand how the personality can be avoided and made generic blog. But then making content viral is not easy from there onwards.

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