
How to energize an inactive forum?

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How to energize an inactive forum?

This past few months, we've had a lot of really slow days with very few posts.

I try to keep the conversations going, but it's tough doing this on my own.

The rest of the staff has pretty much left the site and many of the forum members are gone too.
I want to get things back to how they were before, being very active, with lots of daily discussions.

How can I do this?


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That can be a really tough situation, especially if you had a really good forum a few months ago and now things are not so active anymore. Of course, you don't want to just give up on the forum if it's something you love. If you are the forum owner, you have a lot to lose. As staff, you have less to lose, though I'm sure you are emotionally invested in the site. Now might be the time to get back into promoting the site. Don't just let it go without a fight.

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Do you know why the forum went inactive? I guess what I'm really asking is why did the forum staff leave or did that happen after the members stopped posting? Sometimes there is a reason that forums go inactive and if you can pinpoint that, then you can fix it and reboot the forum.

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Hire some forum posters and have them post some good content, with new threads. Advertise the forum well and hopefully it can get more users again.

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I believe people started leaving when the forum became boring and less useful. Humans mostly have little span of interest so to hold them down people need to add spice to whatever they present to humans.So start the forum all over again with very interactive,engaging and thoughts provoking discussions. Let forum members find the forum irresistible

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I believe people started leaving when the forum became boring and less useful. Humans mostly have little span of interest so to hold them down people need to add spice to whatever they present to humans.So start the forum all over again with very interactive,engaging and thoughts provoking discussions. Let forum members find the forum irresistible

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Sound advice all around everyone. I can relate to what Carson shared, but its encouraging that it's possible to work through these inactive periods.

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In times likd that, I guess you would need firepower from paid forum poster. I had been commissioned once for that purpose. The forum owner said that my posts are good and he is satisfied with the length. Hiring me to make 200 posts surely invigorated his forum. But if you have the support of your friends then probably you can save money with their help. Another way is to acquire a popular personality like an actor or an athlete or one celebrity related to the niche of your forum.

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